In December 2022, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023,” which included a major package of retirement savings provisions known as the SECURE 2.0 Act (commonly known as SECURE 2.0) was signed into law.
SECURE 2.0 is a meaningful step toward the retirement security of all Americans to help improve individuals’ ability to save for retirement, expand access to retirement plans, and ease plan administration for employers.
T. Rowe Price supported many of the SECURE 2.0 provisions that advance retirement security.
We continue to help our clients implement the provisions that have gone into effect and are closely monitoring the impact of SECURE 2.0 as we work with institutions, employers, and financial professionals to help individuals achieve their best retirement outcomes.
We also recognize that more retirement legislation is needed, and we will continue to engage legislators and policymakers in the future. In addition, we are working with trade associations and regulators as they propose rules to implement the SECURE 2.0 provisions.
SECURE 2.0 includes provisions that:
See the following pages for a summary of key provisions and their effective dates.
Please contact your T. Rowe Price representative with questions about the key provisions in this cheat sheet or any other provisions included in SECURE 2.0.
Retirement is at the heart of what we do
Founded in 1937 and headquartered in Baltimore, MD, T. Rowe Price delivers investment excellence and retirement services for institutions, intermediaries, and individual investors. Two‑thirds of our assets under management are in retirement, and one‑quarter of our assets are in target date funds. We have over 40 years’ experience as a recordkeeper, and we support 8,400 retirement plans and 2.3 million participants, as of December 31, 2024. We have veteran industry experts across the retirement spectrum, as well as dedicated retirement public policy experts who are closely engaged with legislators, regulators, and policy influencers.
Note: Effective dates generally apply to taxable years or plan years, as applicable, beginning on or after the listed dates. Variations are noted in the effective date column.
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