We work to identify, assess, and actively contribute to the growth of next-generation companies.
See how we’ve sought to help companies, and ultimately our clients, succeed.
Private equity funding drives the domestic EV battery supply chain.
We've helped some of the world's most prominent companies grow. This is just a sample of our active and exited investments.
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*Data as of June 30, 2024 unless otherwise stated.
Data include all commingled funds and separate accounts that contain privates–comprising all privates advised by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (TRPA), and T. Rowe Price Investment Management, Inc. (TRPIM).
1Data shown represent an aggregate of T. Rowe Price private equity investments experience from May 2007 to October 2024. The investments were managed and held within various non-private equity T. Rowe Price investment vehicles. Information shown is intended to reflect on the firm’s long‐standing experience in the private equity space and does not reflect the management in a discrete private equity portfolio.
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