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September 2023 / RETIREMENT

2023 Defined Contribution Consultant Research Study

Our third annual study captures retirement views from the defined contribution consulting and advisory community.1 Insights are informed by 32 of the nation’s leading consulting and advisory firms with a collective $6.7 trillion in assets under advisement.2

Key Themes Covered in this Report

Target Date Solutions: Opportunities for Diversification and Customization Amid Continued Fee Pressure

Retirement Income: Evolving From an Exploratory to a Decision-Oriented Posture

Fixed Income: Market Environment Sharpens Focus on Fixed Income

Investment Trends: A Story of Active and Passive (not or) and ESG Challenges Persist

Financial Wellness: More Tools for Improving the Financial Health of Participants

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USA—Issued in the USA by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., 100 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD, 21202, which is regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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September 2023 / RETIREMENT

Planning for Spending Volatility in Retirement