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Our active approach can give your plan an investment edge

We know that your goal as a fiduciary is to offer a competitive, compliant, well-designed plan. And the investments you choose need to fit your plan requirements and drive successful outcomes.

A broad range of investment options.

As a leading provider of retirement plans and one of the largest U.S. mutual fund companies with $1.54 trillion in assets,1 we offer access to a range of high-quality proprietary and nonproprietary investment products with flexible pricing structures. And we have the ability to add services as your needs grow and evolve.

You have access to:

  • More than 450 proprietary mutual funds driven by our active investing approach
  • Over 9,500 non-proprietary mutual funds, as well as institutional investment products such as trusts
  • A platform that supports the use of diversified portfolios
  • Flexible self-directed brokerage services
  • Custom investment solutions for your plan's unique needs


Our portfolio managers have deep experience, averaging 23 years in the industry and 17 years with T. Rowe Price.1

Championing an active, independent investing approach

We're independent thinkers, united behind an active and rigorous approach, collaborating to identify market risks and opportunities that can give our clients sharper insights and an investment edge as they design plans for participants.

About our approach

Chemists testing

Rigorous Research

525+ investment professionals go into the field.2

We use our size, resources, and research to see company operations firsthand where they happen.

We take time to interview top managers, employees, competitors, and consumers, asking direct questions to get the full story behind the numbers.

Our experienced teams analyze all of these details to make skilled, independent judgments.

Prudent Risk Management

We seek to manage risk and maximize value.

We have weathered all kinds of markets and this depth of experience allows us to understand the geopolitical and economic factors and react to them opportunistically—even defensively—when necessary.

As conditions change, we're able to remain focused on achieving solid long-term results for your plans and participants.


We don't wait for change. We seek to get ahead of change for our clients.

Our people think independently but act collaboratively. We assess when to move with the crowd and when to move against it; when to quickly take advantage of market fluctuations and when to hold tight.

Results show the success of our active investing approach:

  • Over 70% of our mutual funds with a 10-year track record have outperformed their 10-year Lipper average as of 3/31/2024.3
  • Over 95% of our Retirement Funds with a 10-year track record beat their 10-year Lipper average as of 3/31/2024.4
  • 100% of our Retirement Funds for individual investors have gross expenses below their Lipper average as of 3/31/2024.5

See Performance

Additional Investment Options

Choosing an investment lineup is a balancing act between meeting fiduciary needs and providing the diversity of selection participants desire. It's why we've designed our open architecture platform to provide the variety and depth of investment options our clients expect.

Depending on your plan, we offer:

  • Stable Value
  • Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts available based on plan needs

Other Important Information:

The mutual funds referred to in this website are offered and sold to persons residing in the United States and are offered by prospectus and, if available, summary prospectus only; each includes investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other information that you should read and consider carefully before investing. T. Rowe Price mutual funds are distributed by T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc. Download a prospectus or summary prospectus.

As of March 31, 2024.
As of December 31, 2023.
3 113 of our 301 mutual funds had a 10-year track record as of 3/31/2024 (includes Investor Class and I Class Shares). 82 of these 113 funds (73%) beat their Lipper average for the 10-year period. 196 of 280 (70%), 134 of 251 (53%), and 157 of 236 (67%) of T. Rowe Price funds outperformed their Lipper average for the 1-, 3-, and 5-year periods ended 3/31/2024, respectively. Calculations based on cumulative total return. Not all funds outperformed 
36 of our 56 Retirement Funds had a 10-year track record as of 3/31/2024 (includes Investor, I Class, Advisor, and R Class Shares). 35 of these 36 funds (97%) beat their Lipper average for the 10-year period. 42 of 42 (100%), 24 of 42 (57%), and 38 of 39 (97%) of the Retirement Funds outperformed their Lipper average for the 1-, 3-, and 5-year periods ended 3/31/2024, respectively. Calculations are based on cumulative total return. Not all funds outperformed for all periods. (Source for data: Lipper Inc.)
5 Investor Class only. Expenses for T. Rowe Price funds are obtained from the funds’ most recent prospectus. Lipper data is based on fiscal year-end data available to Lipper, Inc. as of 3/31/2024.


Contact your T. Rowe Price representative to find out how we can take your plan to the next level.

Retire With Confidence®
We’re driven by our purpose: To identify and actively invest in opportunities to help people thrive in an evolving world.
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T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc., distributor, T. Rowe Price mutual funds ©2024 T. Rowe Price. All Rights Reserved. T. ROWE PRICE, INVEST WITH CONFIDENCE, and the Bighorn Sheep design are, collectively and/or apart, trademarks of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. RETIRE WITH CONFIDENCE is a trademark of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.