T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund
Impact Investing Explained
Impact strategies are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable, environmental or social impact alongside a financial return.
We believe impact investing offers a real opportunity to target stocks that can help deliver positive impact and at the same time pursue excess return potential.
Hear from our Portfolio Manager Hari Balkrishna in a series of videos to help you understand impact investing.
"Impact is about the present but includes dimensions of change and persistence. Impact requires conscious action, skilled execution, and the commitment of additionality."
- Hari Balkrishna, Portfolio Manager, T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund
Watch our ESG & Impact videos
The story of impact investing at T. Rowe Price
Introducing the T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund
In this Education Series, Alexandra Brown, Founder and CEO of Ethical Invest Group and Hari Balkrishna, Portfolio Manager, share important tips and insights for having better client conversations around impact and responsible investing.
Impact investing Q&A with Hari Balkrishna, Portfolio Manager
How we think about impact
Every stock is aligned with clearly defined impact pillars, using revenue inclusion criteria, always accounting for dimensions of positive future change.
Our approach is multi-dimensional and stock-based, using insights from our research platform and company engagements.
We commit to using our scale and resources to promote and progress the impact agenda.
In an era of disruption and extreme outcomes, patience, a forward-looking approach and skillful portfolio construction is important in pursuing good client outcome.
What is ESG & Impact investing?
Impact investing is a natural extension of ESG integration
The incorporation of environmental, social and governance factors into investment analysis.
Sustainable strategies
Values-based strategy that considers not only the financial return potential of an investment, but also its impact on environmental or societal fundamentals.
Investments made with the explicit intention to generate positive environmental or social impact alongisde a financial return.
Embedding values
Aligning ownership
Quantifying impact
For certain types of investments, including, but not limited to, cash, currency positions, and particular types of derivatives, an ESG analysis may not be relevant or possible due to a lack of data. Where ESG considerations are integrated into the investment research process, we may conclude that other attributes of an investment outweigh ESG considerations when making investment decisions.
RIAA adviser resources
The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) champions responsible investing and a sustainable financial system in Australia and New Zealand.
RIAA has created these tools for advisers to better understand and navigate their clients towards responsible investment products and advice.
Financial Adviser Guide to Responsible Investment
This guide sets out to demystify responsible and ethical investment.
Adviser Guide: Client Interview Process
This guide aims to provide you with a step by step process you can use as the basis for crafting your own client interview process.
Responsible Investment Fact Find
This tool is designed for clients to share with financial advisers the environmental and social themes and issues that matter to them.
T. Rowe Price
Global Impact Equity Fund
The T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund targets specific companies that not only make good economic sense, but also strive to make the world a better place for all.
It’s really about pursuing more meaningful returns for investors who care.
*Investment returns are not guaranteed.
Important Information
Equity Trustees Limited (“Equity Trustees”) (ABN: 46 004 031 298, AFSL: 240975) is a subsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited (ABN: 22 607 797 615), a publicly listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:EQT). Equity Trustees and T. Rowe Price Australia Limited ("TRPAU") (ABN: 13 620 668 895, AFSL: 503741) are, respectively, the responsible entity and investment manager of the T. Rowe Price Australian Unit Trusts. Available in Australia for Wholesale Clients only.
A Target Market Determination for each T. Rowe Price Australian Unit Trust (or class of units in a Trust) is available here (www.eqt.com.au/insto). It describes who the financial product is likely to be appropriate for (i.e. the target market), and any conditions around how the product can be distributed to investors. It also describes the events or circumstances where Equity Trustees Limited, the responsible entity of the T. Rowe Price Australian Unit Trusts may need to review the Target Market Determination for the financial product.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The price of any fund may go up or down. Investment involves risk including a possible loss to the principal amount invested. For general information purposes only, does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor. For further details, please refer to each fund's product disclosure statement and reference guide which are available from Equity Trustees (www.eqt.com.au/insto) or TRPAU (www.troweprice.com.au).