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T. Rowe Price Separately Managed Accounts

Unleash the benefits of SMAs for your clients

With beneficial share ownership and a transparent view of your client's portfolio, our SMA can be an attractive solution.

Discover the key benefits of Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs)


A professionally managed share portfolio with less adminstrative and compliance burden than owning direct shares.


Access holdings and transaction history to monitor portfolios against goals and objectives.

Potential Tax Efficiencies

Your clients are the beneficial owners of the underlying shares and dividends are paid to each individual account.

Professional Management

Having a highly-experienced investment team manage the portfolio can lead to better investment outcomes for your clients.

Concentrated Global Equity SMA

A concentrated, style-balanced global equity portfolio

The Concentrated Global Equity SMA applies an active, style-balanced approach to a global opportunity set to seek to create a concentrated, global, sector-diversified portfolio of high conviction investments with an aim to provide consistent, positive excess returns against the benchmark over a full market cycle.

SMA Next Steps

  1. Explore fact sheets, performance, and more on our Adviser Resources page
  2. Contact us to learn how to put SMAs to work for your clients

Ready to learn more?

Reach out to your T. Rowe Price Relationship Manager to learn more.

About SMAs

Key differences: SMAs, Managed Funds, Direct Equities

Frequently Asked Questions

What are separately managed accounts (SMAs)?

A separately managed account (SMA) is a professionally managed portfolio composed of stocks and other securities that are directly owned by an investor. Direct security ownership can offer financial professionals increased flexibility to align holdings with client needs and preferences and to have more control over tax management. Increased visibility of transactions and holdings allows for a more individualized level of portfolio management, in which financial professionals can monitor the portfolio against client goals and objectives.

SMAs are a vehicle of choice for many investors, particularly those looking for more robust tax management, primarily because this investor segment tends to have more robust needs around tax management, customization, and transparency, and therefore may benefit most from the direct ownership of the underlying securities conferred by SMAs. Since the investor must own each underlying security in an investment portfolio, SMAs tend to have higher minimums to ensure that a given strategy can be implemented.


What is the difference between a managed account and a separately managed account? How do SMAs differ from other investment vehicles?

The term "managed account" refers to a portfolio of investments that is professionally managed on behalf of an investor. An SMA is a type of managed account that’s typically focused on a targeted investment strategy. 

Ownership structure is the primary differentiator between SMAs and other types of investment vehicles. While managed investments are pooled investment products—in which an investor owns a share in the fund, but the fund owns the underlying securities—the securities in an SMA are owned directly by the investor.*


What are the advantages of separately managed accounts (SMAs)?

How Investors Benefit:

  • Tax Management: Direct ownership of the underlying securities enables robust and personalised tax management.
  • Transparency: Investors have their own cost basis and can see their holdings and trading activity.
  • In-Specie Funding: SMA investors may be able fund a new portfolio in kind with existing liquid securities (subject to the portfolio manager's and adminstrators' discretion).


How Financial Advisors Benefit:

  • Client Needs: SMAs allow financial professionals to accommodate investors, who have more robust needs around tax management, customisation, and transparency—and therefore benefit from the direct ownership of the underlying securities conferred by SMAs.
  • Expertise: Having a highly-experienced investment team manage the portfolio can lead to better investment outcomes for your clients and lower compliance risk for your business.

SMA Educational Resources

SMA Brochure

Learn about our SMA Capabilities.

SMA Client Brochure

Share this short introductory guide with clients.

Put SMAs to work for your clients.
Contact us.

Reach out to your T. Rowe Price Relationship Manager to learn more.

Transparent access to holdings and transactions
Flexible tax planning
Support from your Relationship Manager

Important Information

*Differences between compared investments may include sales and management fees, liquidity, volatility, tax features, holdings, and other features, which may result in differences in performance.

