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Concentrated Global Equity

To help you thrive in all weather conditions

The T. Rowe Price Concentrated Global Equity Fund and SMA are actively managed, high conviction global equity portfolios that seek to thrive in all market environments without favouring any one style of investing.

Portfolio Manager Peter Bates explains how he uses a style-balanced approach to help deliver returns for investors with the forecast for markets becoming more and more unpredictable.


An introduction to style-balanced investing

Why T. Rowe Price Concentrated Global Equity Fund?

High Conviction Portfolio

Harnesses the best ideas from our deep global research team into a high conviction portfolio of typically 30-45 holdings, while integrating both absolute and relative risk control.

Style Balanced Approach

A core portfolio that incorporates ideas across the style spectrum that we believe should do well in all market environments.

Global Expertise

Capitalises on our experienced global research team, and long-term relationships with companies to gain informational insights across a wide spectrum of companies.

Client video: 

Introducing T. Rowe Price Concentrated Global Equity

T. Rowe Price
Concentrated Global Equity Fund

I Class

The T. Rowe Price Concentrated Global Equity Fund is a high-conviction global equity strategy that aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in mid to large cap companies from around the world including developing markets.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
View Important Research House Rating Information - Morningstar Medalist RatingTM.
View Important Research House Rating Information - Lonsec.
Indirect costs are calculated and incorporate estimated amounts with reference to the relevant costs incurred during the previous financial year ended 30 June. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for the Fund for further details.
The Management Fee for the T. Rowe Price Concentrated Global Equity Fund – I class is 0.85% p.a. and the Indirect Cost is 0.00% p.a

Inception Date

15 December 2021


MSCI World Index ex-Australia Net (unhedged)

Base currency



0.85% pa1





Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
View Important Research House Rating Information - Morningstar Medalist RatingTM.
View Important Research House Rating Information - Lonsec.
Indirect costs are calculated and incorporate estimated amounts with reference to the relevant costs incurred during the previous financial year ended 30 June. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for the Fund for further details.
The Management Fee for the T. Rowe Price Concentrated Global Equity Fund – I class is 0.85% p.a. and the Indirect Cost is 0.00% p.a

Client video: 

Introducing T. Rowe Price Concentrated Global Equity SMA

T. Rowe Price Concentrated
Global Equity SMA*

The Concentrated Global Equity SMA Composite seeks long-term capital appreciation through investment in common stocks of established companies listed primarily onthe developed world’s stock markets. 

View Important Research House Rating Information.
*Effective 13 November 2023, the name of the SMA changed from Global Select Equity SMA to Concentrated Global Equity SMA.

Inception Date

24 March 2021


MSCI World Index ex-Australia Net

View Important Research House Rating Information.
*Effective 13 November 2023, the name of the SMA changed from Global Select Equity SMA to Concentrated Global Equity SMA.

How to invest?

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Important Information

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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The price of any fund may go up or down. Investment involves risk including a possible loss to the principal amount invested. For general information purposes only, does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor. For further details, please refer to each fund's product disclosure statement and reference guide which are available from Equity Trustees ( or TRPAU (
