T. Rowe Price has over 87 years of equity investment experience and has helped Clients pursue their equity investing goals since 1937. Our diverse capabilities and rigorous process have produced strong performance over the long term.
Over the past five decades T. Rowe Price has built a substantial global presence in fixed income investing. Our diverse platform and capabilities, coupled with a rigorous investment process have delivered strong results over time.
T. Rowe Price has over 34 years of experience creating effective cross asset class solutions. Our multi-asset expertise integrates the core strength of our firm - a collaborative investment culture with robust fundamental and quantitative capabilities into solutions designed to meet client objectives.
For nearly two decades, T. Rowe Price has aimed to delivered better private equity outcomes by staying connected through its network of relationships, integrated research, and reputation as an experienced late-stage investor. This has made us one of the largest late-stage focused private equity investors and a valuable partner to both companies we own and our clients.
All data as of December 31 2024, unless otherwise noted. Firmwide assets under management include assets managed by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., and its investment advisory affiliates.
1 Data shown represent an aggregate of T. Rowe Price private equity investments experience from May 2007 to October 2024. The investments were managed and held within various non-private equity T. Rowe Price investment vehicles. Information shown is intended to reflect on the firm’s long‐standing experience in the private equity space and does not reflect the management in a discrete private equity portfolio.