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Our curious minds at work

Whether it's equities, fixed income or multi-asset, our analysts are following their curiosity and uncovering the latest insights to give our clients' investments the edge.

We understand the need to feed our clients’ curiosity. By providing valuable insights and information, we not only help them better understand the constantly evolving investment landscape but also the investments that can help their clients achieve their investment goals.

A little-known asset class locally, yet a huge asset class globally, investors should be curious about global high yield.

Hear what Portfolio Manager Mike Della Vedova told Livewire Markets about this intriguing asset class.1

There are many myths surrounding global high yield, so asking the right questions can really benefit astute investors willing to dig deeper. Watch the video to find out more.

Asking the right questions through the global equity lens

With over 180 equity analysts constantly asking questions to uncover real, market differentiating insights, our global equity clients benefit from a world-class research engine.

Portfolio Manager Peter Bates recently shared how AI and GLP-1s have piqued his curiosity and why investors should take notice.

Curious as to how our Multi-Asset team are thinking about asset allocation?

Put our curiosity to work

Our approach to investing is truly global. With one of the most extensive and experienced buy-side global research engines in the industry, our investment teams discover investment opportunities you can be confident in.

T. Rowe Price
Global Equity Fund

A truly global equity portfolio targeting companies across emerging, frontier and developed markets.

T. Rowe Price
Concentrated Global Equity

A high conviction global equity portfolio that seeks to thrive in all market environments without favouring any one style of investing.

T. Rowe Price
Global High Income Fund

Aims to deliver high income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in global high yield bonds.

T. Rowe Price
Global Impact Equity Fund

A dual mandate fund that pursues stocks with clear impact and financial return markers to deliver long-term capital appreciation. 

The views and opinions expressed in the Livewire video are those of the Investment Professional at the time of the interview and are subject to change without notice. It is not intended to be securities recommendation or statement of opinion intended to influence a person or persons in making a decision in relation to investment. The video is used with permission from Livewire.

All information is as at 31 March 2024, unless specified.

Important Information

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