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June 2024 / VIDEO

Two Questions on U.S. Equities with Matt Mahon

Portfolio Manager Matt Mahon discusses his outlook and expectations for U.S. smaller companies.

Key Insights

  • An historically wide valuation differential has opened up between U.S. smaller companies and their larger counterparts.   
  • With U.S. smaller companies currently looking relatively cheap, what is the potential catalyst that could see smaller companies rerated higher?
  • The broad and diverse U.S. smaller companies universe continues to present attractive opportunities for researched-driven, active investors. 


Smaller-cap valuations have been relatively attractive versus their large cap peers for some time now.

But valuation alone is not a catalyst for outperformance.

You need valuation, but you also need fundamentals.

Over the coming years, we’ve seen an inflection in small-cap fundamentals as industries like industrials and the energy complex improve relative to the past.

Those inflecting fundamentals support many of the smaller companies and in aggregate will help small-cap earnings on a relative basis versus their large-cap peers, providing a tailwind to the fundamentals for these businesses.

Today, we're finding attractive opportunities in the energy complex as falling energy productivity,

the unwinding of the shale revolution, is creating the need for greater investment in the energy industry, and in suppliers that help combat falling productivity.

As well, we're finding attractive areas of opportunity in health care, as the next generation of medicine takes hold in some of the most innovative companies that are driving that change.

We're seeing an extreme bifurcation where parts of a given industry are performing very well, as in the AI companies within the semiconductor universe.

But within semiconductors, there's also parts that are experiencing deeply recessionary volumes, like analog and microcontrollers and diodes.


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