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Global Market Outlook Midyear Update: How Central Bank Policy Could Impact Your Portfolio

Up or down? In a shifting rate environment, we’re looking for the investment opportunities and implications. Our experts provide an update on monetary policy and the key themes markets face in the second half of 2024. View the webinar replay today.

Key takeaways:

  • Higher for longer has become the consensus
  • Opportunities broaden beyond the “Magnificent Seven”
  • Rising capital expenditure should benefit value sectors
  • Uncertain environment favors short duration bonds
  • Energy stocks and commodities could help hedge against inflation

Is Your Fixed Income Allocation Positioned for Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow?

In a recent P&I webinar, Portfolio Manager Saurabh Sud and Head of Multi-Asset Solutions North America Lowell Yura discuss survey findings and public DB client trends, and present a framework to help guide investors who are revisiting the role for fixed income in public DB portfolios.

Free Talk

Arif Husain, Head of Global Fixed Income and Chief Investment Officer, and guests from the recent Free Talk fixed income event discussed scenarios investors should plan for in 2024, when risk appetite is likely to return, and what can replace cash in a risk-on environment.

Tech Tour Insights: What’s Next for AI Investing?

Hear our panel of technology portfolio managers – Dom Rizzo, Jim Stillwagon, and Tony Wang – as they discuss takeaways from their annual Silicon Valley trip and debate what is next for investing in this sector that is evolving faster than ever before.

DEI in Action

Watch this recent discussion during which Raymone Jackson, T. Rowe Price’s head of DEI and Corporate Responsibility, discusses the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in our industry, whether the current focus is sustainable, and what the future might hold with a panel of experts including  T. Rowe Price Portfolio Specialist Ron Taylor; Donna Anderson, our head of Corporate Governance; and WTW’s Paula Robinson.



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