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The world is transitioning at a pace and scale rarely seen before. Radical innovations in AI and healthcare. Elevated geopolitical tensions, including the raised possibility of tariffs following the US election. A potential slowdown in global growth. Times like these demand actionable insights and the skill of active management. Here’s what to know to navigate the shifts and opportunities ahead.  
Global Economy

Mapping the path from slowdown to recovery

There is strong potential for a slowdown in global growth in early 2025. But central banks are poised to respond with rapid rate cuts, paving the way for a fast recovery. We expect a shift from services to manufacturing—the result of a global push towards renewable energy and the rise of AI. These factors are, in part, fueling infrastructure spending.

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US Economy

US exceptionalism has not run out of steam

The US economy is set for another year of growth, bolstered by investments in AI. Fiscal policies and coordinated monetary easing support this outlook. Job creation will likely slow as companies have front-loaded hiring, but unemployment is expected to remain low. Improving productivity should also provide another boost to growth. 

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Investing during transition

Join host Ritu Vohora on this special edition of “The Angle” as we focus on our 2025 Global Market Outlook. In this first episode, our experts discuss the macroeconomic outlook for 2025. They examine global fiscal and monetary policy, what impact the Trump presidency could have on the global economy, and potential developments in China.

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Global Equities

Value and small caps could power international equities 

As we emerge from a period dominated by U.S. tech, international equities may offer breadth and room for growth. Diversifying into areas that have valuation support and robust fundamentals, such as value and small cap stocks, seems prudent. Japan, Korea, and the United Kingdom could also benefit from structural changes. 

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International small‑cap and large‑cap valuations have converged

(Fig. 3) The traditional premium of small‑caps has virtually disappeared
January 30, 2009 through October 31, 2024.
Source: MSCI (see Additional Disclosures). Analysis by T. Rowe Price.
P/E= Price-to-earnings. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Actual future results may differ materially from estimates.
US Equities

Rate cuts provide opportunities for US small caps and financials 

Themes driving the bulk of U.S. equity returns in 2024 may unwind in 2025. Bottom line: We see a broadening opportunity set in equity markets. Small caps should benefit from further interest rate cuts and any signs of an improving economy. Underappreciated sectors like energy, financials, and industrials could also offer opportunities, signaling a stock-pickers' market.  

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U.S. equity valuations are close to historic highs in many sectors

(Fig. 4) Returns may underperform bonds in the medium term
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
As of October 31, 2024.
Source: Standard & Poor’s, via FactSet (see Additional Disclosures). Analysis by T. Rowe Price.
Time period range to determine the current relative valuation percentile as of October 31, 2024 is January 31, 1990 through October 31, 2024. Valuations are calculated monthly.
Read the full Global Market Outlook end of year update
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Fixed Income

Finding income in high yield bonds, bank loans, and emerging markets

Bond yields have been on a roller coaster ride as markets have tried to anticipate shifts in central bank policies. Given current market pricing, this implies upside risk to yields. Where to focus: Cash yields remain attractive, but longer duration fixed income is vulnerable. High-yield bonds and bank loans are best positioned for yield, while emerging market bonds also present favorable income prospects. 

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Topics in Focus

Private Markets

Weaker growth, lower rates set to open up private markets 

Evolving economic and market conditions could expand opportunities for private market investors. Private credit will cater to complex financing needs, while potential IPOs and increased M&A activity, driven by lower interest rates, may offer liquidity avenues for private equity investors. 

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Tap with coins coming out

Radical innovations are driving a healthcare revolution 

A wave of innovation is transforming the health care sector’s prospects. And not just in GLP-1s. Technological developments are leading breakthroughs in AI-led cancer screening and robotic surgery. Therapeutic breakthroughs could have major impacts. A return to lower rates and inventory normalization may also bring a timely boost for the sector. 

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Magnifying glasses
Artificial Intelligence

AI’s “easy money” era is over, but rich opportunities remain 

The launch of ChatGPT ignited a surge in AI stocks. While the initial rapid growth phase may be over, AI remains a powerful productivity enhancer for the global economy. What does that mean for investors? Transitioning to AI’s next investment phase. Innovative “linchpin” companies—with strong fundamentals—offer strongest growth prospects.

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2025 Tactical allocation views

As of 31 October, 2024

Investment professionals from the T. Rowe Price Multi-Asset Division presents their​ views on the relative attractiveness of asset classes and subclasses over next 6 to 18 months.

Weighting Guide

Sign up to receive our monthly Global Asset Allocation Viewpoints from our Investment Committee 

Each month, our Investment Committee prepare a report revealing the two market themes they are watching, their bull and bear views per region and their latest asset class over and underweights.

It has been designed to aid you in your decision making and client conversations. 

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