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About Us

Investment Capabilities

Expertise across all asset classes— and the globe.

As a global asset manager, we work with clients to help them achieve their financial goals by actively listening, anticipating their needs, and developing and managing quality investment products. We offer equity, fixed income, and multi-asset solutions with a goal of delivering long-term outcomes. Each strategy is supported by our strategic investing approach, which is guided by independent thinking and rigorous global research.

Our approach also allows us to integrate data on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues into our investment process, through a dedicated Responsible Investing team that works closely with other investment professionals. In keeping with this commitment to sustainability, we offer clients the ability to invest in ways that align with their values.

Our Global Investment Professionals

After more than 80 years in the industry, we have shown the ability to navigate different market environments.


Total Equity Assets Under Management, $108.4b Other International Equity, $56.5b Global Equity, $29.4b Emerging Markets Equity, $1.4B European Equity, $728.1b U.S. Equity

Strong results begin with investments in high-quality companies.

  • We have an optimistic approach to equities, based on the idea that holding equity—or shares of stock—in public companies can be a powerful long-term driver of wealth.
  • We conduct global, proprietary research to find opportunities in companies of all sizes and industries.
  • We often follow companies for their full life cycle—from before they go public to their growth into large, mature companies. We’ve seen that clients benefit most when we buy and hold investments over long time horizons.

Fixed Income

Total Fixed Income Assets Under Management. $33.7b Global High Yield, $58.7b Credit, $74.8b Cash/Stable Value, $50.8b Government, $41.0b Global/Emerging Markets.

We help clients manage risk through investments designed to preserve savings and produce reliable income.

  • Our experience has led us to show that ownership of corporate and government bonds, loans, and other fixed income investments can help investors manage risk while still seeing reliable growth potential. Our global fixed income research capabilities continue to grow, with more than 200 experienced fixed income professionals throughout every major continent.
  • We offer a full, balanced array of fixed income products, built from knowledge and collaboration that stretches across sectors and geographies.
  • We constantly look for ways to bring extra return, with risk assessed at every step aiming to generate the best results while avoiding surprises.


Target Date, Risk Based, Strategy-specific chart

Our products are designed to find an appropriate mix of investments to help investors plan for retirement and meet other challenges of today—and tomorrow.

  • Our equity and fixed income products are the “building blocks” for our multi-asset strategies, which are thoughtfully designed to generate strong potential returns while managing risk.
  • Our Multi-Asset team collaborates with our equity and fixed income analysts to thoughtfully design strategies that seek strong returns while managing risk.
  • We offer innovative solutions to help investors diversify their holdings, helping them plan for retirement, save for college, or pursue other long-term financial goals


Strategic investing is our approach
to active management.