Plan Health

The Plan Health tool provides a snapshot of key metrics in your plan. The data are organized by category, including a My Favorites page, to help you find what you need quickly.
View Plan Health

Navigate with ease

Use the tabs across the top to navigate to different categories of data. Easily switch between plans or view an all plans aggregated view located next to the T. Rowe Price logo.

Personalized Favorites

The My Favorites category page is fully personalized by you with the ability to add, rearrange, and remove cards.

Add cards to your highlights:

  1. Find the card on any category page
  2. Click the heart button at the top right of any card

Rearrange cards:

  1. Click Customize in the top right of the screen
  2. Drag and drop each card to the desired order

Remove cards from highlights:

  1. Navigate to My Favorites page
  2. Click the heart button at the top right of any card
  3. Click Confirm to remove the card

Explore every detail

You can dive deeper into metrics by analyzing for different time periods or with additional filters, such as demographics and industry benchmarks.

Learn more about any tile: Each details view allows you to explore different date ranges, filters, and data visualizations.

  1. Click on the title to be taken to a details view
  2. Choose a date range or as of date
  3. Choose additional filters (e.g. demographics, industry benchmark)

Downloading data

To download a card, click the three dots (...) button at the top right and click Download. You'll receive the data and accompanying visualization in a ready-to-present PDF.

Coming soon, you’ll have the ability to download an entire tab’s worth of data at once.

Built-in Reports

Export a Standard or Custom report directly from Plan Health.

Export a Standard report

  1. Click Export at the top right of the page
  2. Select Standard
  3. Choose a template or data category
  4. Click Preview
  5. Choose to download the file as a PowerPoint or PDF

Export a Custom report

  1. Click Export at the top right of the page
  2. Select Custom
  3. Select the data points to include in the report
  4. Click Preview
  5. Choose to download the file as a PowerPoint or PDF
