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Ahead of the Curve

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March 2024 / FIXED INCOME

Current Market Inflation Expectations are Ridiculous

Current Market Inflation Expectations are Ridiculous

Current Market Inflation Expectations are...

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO

February 2024 / FIXED INCOME

Central Bank Rate-Cut Pricing is Eye-Catching But Deceiving

Central Bank Rate-Cut Pricing is Eye-Catching But Deceiving

Central Bank Rate-Cut Pricing is Eye-Catching...

The large number of priced-in 2024 rate cuts is an average of expectations across...

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO

January 2024 / FIXED INCOME

Attractive Yields but Narrow Spreads: The Credit Dilemma

Attractive Yields but Narrow Spreads: The Credit Dilemma

Attractive Yields but Narrow Spreads: The...

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO


Avoiding False Signals in Wait for Peak U.S. Treasury Yields

Avoiding False Signals in Wait for Peak U.S. Treasury Yields

Avoiding False Signals in Wait for Peak U.S....

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO


Government Bond Issuance Boom to Pressure Yields Higher

Government Bond Issuance Boom to Pressure Yields Higher

Government Bond Issuance Boom to Pressure...

A flood of new global sovereign debt will affect market dynamics.

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO

September 2023 / GLOBAL FIXED INCOME

The Fairy Tale of a Soft Landing

The Fairy Tale of a Soft Landing

The Fairy Tale of a Soft Landing

The consensus view shift toward a mild downturn looks misplaced.

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO


The Four U.S. Treasury Yield Phases of a Fed Tightening Cycle

The Four U.S. Treasury Yield Phases of a Fed Tightening Cycle

The Four U.S. Treasury Yield Phases of a...

Portfolio managers collaborate to help shape duration positioning.

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO

July 2023 / FIXED INCOME

Central Banks Step Into Potential Policy Error Territory

Central Banks Step Into Potential Policy Error Territory

Central Banks Step Into Potential Policy...

Hawkish stances risk overtightening and causing recession.

By Arif Husain

Arif Husain Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO


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May 2024 / VIDEO

AI perspectives from portfolio manager Dom Rizzo
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June 2024 / RETIREMENT

A five-dimensional framework for retirement income needs and solutions