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November 2023 / RETIREMENT

2024 U.S. Retirement Market Outlook

Three themes shaping the retirement landscape

Looking into 2024, retirement income, personalization, and diversification will be key themes for defined contribution plan sponsors and their consultants and advisors in the U.S. We explore why we expect these topics to shape the retirement landscape, outline the underlying factors that are creating challenges and opportunities for the industry, and provide action items to consider.

Retirement Income: Growing demand could drive innovation and adoption of retirement income solutions.

Personalization: Targeted experiences can drive behavioral change and improve retirement outcomes.

Diversification: A complex market environment sharpens focus on diversification opportunities.

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Going Global: Exploring the Best Opportunities for Value Investors

September 2023 / RETIREMENT

Planning for Spending Volatility in Retirement

Planning for Spending Volatility in Retirement

Planning for Spending Volatility in Retirement

Access to liquidity and a focus on growth could mitigate spending increases.

By Sudipto Banerjee

Sudipto Banerjee Director of Retirement Thought Leadership