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Global Equities

Looking ahead to keep our clients on the right side of change

We live in an era of unprecedented change. Key global industries are being disrupted through technological innovation, changing consumer preferences, and political or regulatory initiatives. This is creating extraordinary opportunities for active investors who are able to anticipate and navigate today's fast-changing environment, and huge challenges for those that aren't. Which is why it's more important than ever to be invested on the right side of change.

Three reasons to choose T. Rowe Price for global equities

Global coverage: 

Our size and resources mean we can secure access to top management and analyse opportunities anywhere in the world, at any time to find the best ideas for our clients' portfolios. 

Differentiated ideas:

We hire experts with varied backgrounds and experiences who can consistently challenge the consensus and bring unique perspectives to the decision-making process. 

Repeatable results:

Our track record higlights the consistency and attribution of our returns over a cycle: idiosyncratic alpha from a diversified set of stocks, sectors and factors.

Strategies in focus

Global Focused Growth Equity

The Global Focused Growth Equity Composite seeks long-term capital appreciation primarily through investment in established companies operating in developed markets throughout the world, with faster earnings growth and reasonable valuation levels relative to market/sector averages. Further, the strategy seeks to buy companies where there is insight about improving economic returns of the business that are not fully reflected in their valuation.

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Global Growth Equity

The Global Growth Equity Composite seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of transferable equity and equity-related securities of larger cap companies listed on the world's stock markets.  The portfolio may include investments in the securities of companies listed on the stock exchange of developed and developing countries.

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Global Impact Equity

The Global Impact Equity Composite seeks long-term capital growth by seeking positive environmental or social impact and outperforming the MSCI All Country World Index Net. The investment universe is defined by applying the proprietary T. Rowe Price Sustainable fund exclusion list with added categories determined not possible to generate positive impact and industry-specific impact inclusion criteria, guided by three investment pillars and eight sub-pillars aligned to the UN SDGs.

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Europe Equity

The Europe Equity Composite seeks long-term capital appreciation primarily through investment in established companies, in developed European markets, with faster earnings growth and reasonable valuation levels relative to market/sector averages. The strategy generally includes 0-10% exposure to emerging-market stocks, as defined by inclusion in the European segment of the MSCI's Emerging Markets (Free) Index.

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Emerging Markets Discovery 

The Emerging Markets Discovery Equity Composite seeks long-term capital appreciation primarily through investment in emerging markets with attractive valuation levels relative to market/sector averages.

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China Evolution Equity

The China Evolution Equity Composite seeks long-term capital appreciation primarily through investments in common stocks of Chinese companies. Find out more >

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GIPS® Information

T. Rowe Price ("TRP") claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS standards. T. Rowe Price has been independently verified for the twenty four-year period ended June 30, 2020, by KPMG LLP. The verification report is available upon request. A firm that claims compliance with the GIPS standards must establish policies and procedures for complying with all the applicable requirements of the GIPS standards. Verification provides assurance on whether the firm’s policies and procedures related to composite and pooled fund maintenance, as well as the calculation, presentation, and distribution of performance, have been designed in compliance with the GIPS standards and have been implemented on a firm-wide basis. Verification does not provide assurance on the accuracy of any specific performance report.

TRP is a U.S. investment management firm with various investment advisers registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority, and other regulatory bodies in various countries and holds itself out as such to potential clients for GIPS purposes. TRP further defines itself under GIPS as a discretionary investment manager providing services primarily to institutional clients with regard to various mandates, which include U.S, international, and global strategies but excluding the services of the Private Asset Management group.

A complete list and description of all of the Firm's composites and/or a presentation that adheres to the GIPS® standards are available upon request. Additional information regarding the firm's policies and procedures for calculating and reporting performance results is available upon request

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