Investment Approach
- Single decision maker provides clear accountability.
- Utilize a bottom-up approach to create a focused, high-conviction portfolio of companies which we believe are on the right side of change and in which we have insights about potentially improving economic returns in the future that are not yet reflected in valuation.
- Global research platform uses fundamental analysis to identify companies with superior and sustainable growth prospects, and improving fundamentals.
- Macroeconomic and local market factors are integrated in stock selection decisions.
- Valuation appeal is measured against local market and broad sector opportunity set.
- Broad range of stocks across all capitalizations, incorporating developed and emerging markets.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Typical Investor
Investors who plan to invest for the medium to long term, and who:
• are interested in investment growth
• are looking to diversify their equity investments
• understand and can accept the risks of the portfolio, including the risks of investing in equities globally