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Preparation, dedication and adaptability

Fixed income and sport have the same building blocks for success

What do fixed income and sport have in common? The answer is ‘more than you’d expect.’ Both share a common pursuit of high performance, dedication, extensive research, and consistent practice to achieve their goals. Just as athletes undergo rigorous training and work with their coaches to optimize performance - fundamental research, disciplined risk management and collaboration are the core of fixed income investing at T. Rowe Price. The Bond Games highlights the surprising similarities between fixed income and sport.


Global High Income Fund

Broaden your Reach with a global approach 

Truly global approach
The portfolio’s actively managed, and global nature helps us take full advantage of divergent credit cycles, relative value disparities, and performance variations between regions.

Fundamental research 
Each holding is analysed via our proprietary bottom-up, research driven approach coupled with a macro and industry top down that targets consistent, superior, long term returns from issuers across the globe.

Thorough diversification 
Seek to capitalise on the expansion of the opportunity set by selecting the best high yield opportunities in the US, Europe, and Asia. Tactical regional allocation to exploit diverse market environments and credit cycle.

When investing in funds, certain risks apply, which include default, credit, high yield bond and Interest rate risks. For a full list of risks applicable to this fund, please refer to the prospectus.


Diversified Income Bond Fund

Seeking high Yield like return, Investment grade risks

Alpha Opportunity 
An actively managed fund that seeks modest and repeatable outperformance in a risk-controlled manner with the potential for stable, attractive income.

Truly Global Approach
A truly global portfolio with the ability to invest in a broad investment universe, with tactical allocation across 15 fixed income sectors, 80+ countries and 40+ currencies

Downside Protection
Active global interest rate and credit risk management with limited currency exposure. The portfolio is constructed to minimise risk through market cycles

When investing in funds, certain risks apply, which includes credit, currency, default, derivative, high yield bond and interest rate risks. For a full list of risks applicable to this fund, please refer to the prospectus.


Euro Corporate Bond Fund

An actively managed, all-weather approach for changing markets 

Regular Outperformance 
The Euro Corporate Bond Fund aims to deliver regular outperformance against its benchmark in different market environments.

Downside Protection
Our disciplined risk management process is designed to manage downside risk, particularly in periods of rapid increases in credit spreads.

High Liquidity Profile
We focus on high quality securities with the best liquidity characteristics. Our portfolio construction is also based on optimal diversification to avoid concentration risk.

When investing in funds, certain risks apply, which include credit, derivative and interest rate risks. For a full list of risks applicable to this fund, please refer to the prospectus.


Emerging Markets Bond Fund

An actively managed portfolio with the flexibility to use the full credit-rating range to exploit emerging markets opportunities as they emerge

T. Rowe Price has been active in emerging markets since the infancy of the asset class. We made our first EM equity investment in 1980, and we started investing in EM debt in 1990

With US$77 billion in purely active emerging markets equity and debt holdings, we are one of the largest EM asset managers in the world.1

Fixed income and equity Investment professionals share and compare insights, enabling us to evaluate opportunities from more angles.

When investing in funds, certain risks apply which include credit, default, emerging markets, frontier markets, high yield bond, interest rate and derivative risks. For a full list of risks applicable to this fund, please refer to the prospectus.

1 Firmwide emerging markets AUM includes assets managed by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and its investment advisory affiliates.


Global Impact Credit Fund

An actively managed fund seeking dual mandate: impact and alpha

Positive Impact 
Investors in T. Rowe Price’s Global Impact Credit Fund will play a role in the global reallocation of capital to help address rising environmental and social pressures to achieve more sustainable solutions.

Alpha Opportunity
In our view, generating financial returns with a sustainable impact can coexist. The Global Impact Credit Fund aims to generate income, while also producing a positive environmental and/or social impact.

Our fundamental research platform and dedicated Responsible Investing (RI) team—which is focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues—provide the breadth of resources and global perspective necessary to build a positive impact and alpha portfolio.

When investing in funds, certain risks apply which include credit, derivative and interest rate risks. For a full list of risks applicable to this fund, please refer to the prospectus.

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General Fund Risks

ESG and Sustainability - ESG and Sustainability risk may result in a material negative impact on the value of an investment and performance of the fund.

​Investment fund - Investing in funds involves certain risks an investor would not face if investing in markets directly.

Management - ​Management risk may result in potential conflicts of interest relating to the obligations of the investment manager.

Market - ​Market risk may subject the fund to experience losses caused by unexpected changes in a wide variety of factors.

Operational - ​Operational risk may cause losses as a result of incidents caused by people, systems, and/or processes.

Hedging - ​Hedging measures involve costs and may work imperfectly, may not be feasible at times, or may fail completely.

Geographic concentration - ​Geographic concentration risk may result in performance being more strongly affected by any social, political, economic, environmental or market conditions affecting those countries or regions in which the fund's assets are concentrated.


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