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Investment Objective

To increase the value of its shares, over the long term, through growth in the value of its investments. The fund invests mainly in a widely diversified portfolio of stocks of natural resources or commodities-related companies. The companies may be anywhere in the world, including emerging markets.

Investment Approach

  • Focus on well-managed companies that own or develop natural resources and other basic commodities with attractive long-term supply-demand fundamentals.
  • Invest in companies that operate “downstream” from these resources, e.g., refining, paper manufacturing, steel fabrication, and petrochemicals.
  • The portfolio invests in resource companies on a global basis including — international energy, forest products, mining, and commodities.
  • Assessment of resource/commodity cycle, industry valuation, and company fundamentals is key.
  • Broadly diversify holdings to manage portfolio risk profile relative to highly concentrated energy or gold strategies.
  • Environmental, social and governance ("ESG") factors with particular focus on those considered most likely to have a material impact on the performance of the holdings or potential holdings in the funds’ portfolio are assessed. These ESG factors, which are incorporated into the investment process alongside financials, valuation, macro-economics and other factors, are components of the investment decision. Consequently, ESG factors are not the sole driver of an investment decision but are instead one of several important inputs considered during investment analysis.

Portfolio Construction

  • Typically 90-120 securities
  • Positions typically range to 5%
  • Reserves typically range from 0% to 5%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Annualised Performance

Current Year Performance

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31-Dec-2024 - Shinwoo Kim, Co-Portfolio Manager

Natural resources fell in December. Oil prices rose amid escalated geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, an announced stimulus package in China, and the European Union’s agreement on tighter sanctions on Russian exports. Within the portfolio, stock selection in diversified metals and mining weighed. Copper prices fell amid a stronger US dollar and underwhelming economic growth figures from top importer China. In OUS oil and gas exploration and production, stock selection and our underweight allocation detracted. Shares in one of our holdings fell as investors reacted poorly to reports of a potential acquisition. In specialty chemicals, stock selection hurt as coatings firms recorded losses due to a choppy demand environment. Conversely, stock selection in precious metals and minerals added value. Gold prices fell to a one-month low after the US Federal Reserve lowered rates as expected but noted it will slow the pace of further cuts. Stock selection in US mixed exploration and production, which is heavily levered to natural gas, also boosted relative returns as our holdings were resilient despite the industry being down. US natural gas prices hit a two-year high due to expectations for increased demand amid forecasts of a cold winter and concerns over supply constraints given geopolitical uncertainties regarding sanctions on Russian gas.


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GIPS® Information

T. Rowe Price ("TRP") claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS standards. T. Rowe Price has been independently verified for the 27-year period ended June 30, 2023, by KPMG LLP. The verification report is available upon request. A firm that claims compliance with the GIPS standards must establish policies and procedures for complying with all the applicable requirements of the GIPS standards. Verification provides assurance on whether the firm’s policies and procedures related to composite and pooled fund maintenance, as well as the calculation, presentation, and distribution of performance, have been designed in compliance with the GIPS standards and have been implemented on a firm-wide basis. Verification does not provide assurance on the accuracy of any specific performance report.

TRP is a U.S. investment management firm with various investment advisers registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority, and other regulatory bodies in various countries and holds itself out as such to potential clients for GIPS purposes. TRP further defines itself under GIPS as a discretionary investment manager providing services primarily to institutional clients with regard to various mandates, which include U.S, international, and global strategies but excluding the services of the Private Asset Management group.

A complete list and description of all of the Firm's composites and/or a presentation that adheres to the GIPS® standards are available upon request. Additional information regarding the firm's policies and procedures for calculating and reporting performance results is available upon request

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