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Global Asset Allocation Viewpoints

Our experts share perspective on market themes and regional trends, plus insights into current portfolio positioning.

Market Perspective

As of 30 September 2024

  • Economic data showing resilience as inflation nearing central banks’ targets, providing room for further easing.
  • U.S. data holding up confirming soft landing as inflation nears target. European growth remains modest and bolstered by services, while manufacturing lags. Japanese growth rebounds from earlier in the year contraction supported by exports. Chinese policymakers take decisive action to support growth.
  • Path of Fed cutting largely dependent on incoming data, while European Central Bank (ECB) looks to advance easing as inflation data provides support. Bank of Japan signals commitment to their divergent path of rates hikes. China cuts rates as part of broad stimulus measures to shore up the economy.
  • Key risks to global markets include elevated geopolitical tensions, upcoming U.S. election, central bank policy missteps, and path of Chinese growth..

Portfolio Positioning

As of 30 September 2024

  • We remain modestly overweight equities. While valuations are elevated, easing monetary policy, Chinese stimulus measures and potential broadening earnings growth should be favorable for equities.
  • Within equities, we remain overweight value, globally, based on more attractive relative valuations and as global central bank easing should provide a backdrop for broader market participation.
  • We maintain an overweight to cash relative to bonds. Cash yields remain attractive even as Fed embarks on easing as we expect a gradual path, while longer duration fixed income remains vulnerable to higher rates.
  • Within fixed income, we continue to favor higher-yielding sectors including high yield bonds, floating rate loans, and emerging markets bonds. We shifted to neutral in U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) as upside risks to inflation have moderated.

Market Themes

As of 30 September 2024

Out of the Woods

The Chinese equity market is up nearly 30% since announcing a larger- than-expected stimulus package intended to help stave off further deterioration in growth and quell concerns about its troubled property sector. The PBOC and financial regulators’ coordinated efforts span across monetary and fiscal measures, including lower rates to support housing and loans to encourage share buybacks. Chinese equities had been a notable laggard this year, reflecting the struggles of policymakers to reverse slumping growth and falling well short of their 5% growth target. And with the potential threats of a shift in U.S. policy on the horizon, their export-heavy economy could find itself under more pressure. So, while the far-reaching measures are a step in the right direction and have been cheered by emerging markets investors, the structural headwinds facing China are vast, leaving many skeptical China is out of the woods just yet.

From Laggard to Leader1

As of 30 September 2024

Chart as discussed above

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
1 Source: MSCI. Emerging Markets ex-China and China are represented by the MSCI Emerging Markets ex-China Index and MSCI China Index, respectively. Please see Additional Disclosures for more information about this sourcing information.

Hold the Bubbly

Amongst major central banks, the ECB just saw their first read on inflation below their 2% target, down from an 11% peak in September 2022, freeing up the path to lowering rates further. This is welcomed news for other central banks as well, who are seeing similar progress toward their targets. Notably this progress is being achieved while global growth is holding up, with some areas showing surprising resilience. The forces that had driven inflation higher, including COVID-related supply shortages, excess savings supporting consumer spending, and unleashed pent-up demand driving services inflation have faded. By all measures, it is looking like central bankers may have pulled off the once unthinkable “soft landing” and should be celebrating. But unfortunately, the current backdrop of geopolitical tensions and the threat of policy shifts having an impact on growth and possibly reigniting inflation concerns has them holding off on popping the bubbly, for now.

Nearing Their Inflation Targets2

As of 30 September 2024

Chart as discussed above

2 Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P.

Regional Backdrop

As of 30 September 2024

  Views Positives Negatives
United States N
  • Fed has begun cutting rates
  • Resilient corporate earnings
  • Wage growth is moderating to sustainable levels
  • Recent inflation reports have been favorable
  • Stock valuations have become challenging
  • Economic growth is modest
  • Consumption trends are weakening
  • Political uncertainty is heightened
Canada N
  • Bank of Canada has started cutting rates
  • Wage growth has moderated to sustainable levels
  • Economic growth remains stable
  • Corporate profit margins remain healthy
  • Unemployment is rising
  • Services inflation remains high
  • Consumer debt levels are elevated
  • Equity valuations are slightly elevated
Europe U
  • Monetary policy expected to ease further
  • Inflation has been steadily declining
  • Unemployment remains low
  • Equity valuations are attractive
  • Economic growth remains weak
  • Geopolitical uncertainty remains heightened
  • Earnings growth is structurally weak, with minimal tailwinds from innovative technologies
United Kingdom N
  • The Bank of England has begun cutting rates
  • Inflation has been steadily declining
  • Economic growth outlook has stabilized
  • Fiscal consolidation may need to be accelerated
  • Tight labor markets could keep wage inflation stubbornly high
Japan N
  • Reflationary environment remains intact
  • Corporate governance continues to improve
  • Valuations are again supportive after a soft Q3
  • The Bank of Japan is maintaining a hawkish bias due inflation
  • Equities may face headwinds from a stronger yen
Australia U
  • Valuations have become less challenging
  • The Aussie Dollar should benefit from monetary
  • policy divergence
  • Consumer activities are rebounding thanks to a resilient job market
  • Market pricing appears to be too sanguine about future rate cuts
  • Equity valuations are elevated
  • Earnings expectations remain weak
  • The China rebound may not feed through to iron ore prices
Emerging Markets O
  • China has enacted coordinated stimulus efforts
  • Monetary policy is loosening in many emerging markets
  • A weaker US dollar favors emerging markets
  • Chinese property deleveraging continues to weigh on activity
  • Export demand from developed markets remains muted
  • Geopolitical risks are rising

O = Overweight
N = Neutral
U = Underweight

Views are informed by the Asset Allocation Committee and Regional Investment Committees (United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Japan and Asia) and reflect the equity market.

Asset Allocation Committee Positioning

As of 30 September 2024

Asset Allocation Committee Positioning table

For pairwise decisions in style & market capitalization, positioning within boxes represent positioning in the first mentioned asset class relative to the second asset class.

The asset classes across the equity and fixed income markets shown are represented in our Multi-Asset portfolios. Certain style & market capitalization
asset classes are represented as pairwise decisions as part of our tactical asset allocation framework.

Additional Disclosures:

Certain numbers in this report may not equal stated totals due to rounding.

Source: Unless otherwise stated, all market data are sourced from FactSet. Financial data and analytics provider FactSet. Copyright 2024 FactSet. All Rights Reserved. Source: MSCI. MSCI and its affiliates and third party sources and providers (collectively, “MSCI”) makes no express or implied warranties or representa- tions and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used as a basis for other indices or any securities or financial products. This report is not approved, reviewed, or produced by MSCI. Historical MSCI data and analysis should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance analysis, forecast or prediction. None of the MSCI data is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such.

Key risks - The following risks are materially relevant to the information highlighted in this material: Even if the asset allocation is exposed to different asset classes in order to diversify the risks, a part of these assets is exposed to specific key risks.

Equity risk - in general, equities involve higher risks than bonds or money market instruments.

ESG and Sustainability risk - May result in a material negative impact on the value of an investment and performance of the portfolio.

Credit risk - a bond or money market security could lose value if the issuer’s financial health deteriorates. Currency risk - changes in currency exchange rates could reduce investment gains or increase investment losses. Default risk - the issuers of certain bonds could become unable to make payments on their bonds.

Emerging markets risk - emerging markets are less established than developed markets and, therefore, involve higher risks.

Foreign investing risk - investing in foreign countries other than the country of domicile can be riskier due to the adverse effects of currency exchange rates; differences in market structure and liquidity, as well as specific country, regional, and economic developments.

Interest rate risk - when interest rates rise, bond values generally fall. This risk is generally greater the longer the maturity of a bond investment and the higher its credit quality.

Real estate investments risk - real estate and related investments can be hurt by any factor that makes an area or individual property less valuable.

Small- and mid-cap risk - stocks of small and mid-size companies can be more volatile than stocks of larger companies.

Style risk - different investment styles typically go in and out of favour depending on market conditions and investor sentiment.

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Global Asset Allocation Viewpoints