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July 2024 / NEWS

T. Rowe Price Launches “The Power of Curiosity” Brand Campaign Across Australia

Designed to elevate awareness of the firm’s premier active investment management approach

SYDNEY, 8 July 2024 – T. Rowe Price, a leading global asset manager with A$2.32 trillion assets under management1, launched a new global branding program in Australia today to highlight its renowned capabilities as one of the world’s premier asset management firms.

The "The Power of Curiosity" campaign showcases how T. Rowe Price's investment professionals use active questioning to gain deeper market insights and enhance the firm's investment process. It underscores the independent thinking that characterises the firm's investment professionals, while demonstrating the client benefits of the firm’s investment process, which is grounded in over 85 years of active investing culture and experience.

This new positioning will begin to appear in national and financial services online, print and social media channels viewed by financial advisers and wealth managers, as well as institutional investor decisionmakers from today until December.

Darren Hall, Country Head of Australia and New Zealand at T. Rowe Price said "investment markets were continuing to evolve at incredible speed. The campaign highlights the dynamic perspectives and deep insights our investment professionals bring to their work every day on behalf of our clients."

“Whether it’s innovation in AI or healthcare, understanding the far-reaching implications for investors requires not just curious minds but the expertise and experience to ask the right questions. At T. Rowe Price, we’re constantly exploring ideas and questioning everything to find the answers which will help our clients achieve their long-term goals,” he said.

T. Rowe Price has also introduced a sleeker, more modern look for its longtime bighorn sheep symbol, affectionately known within the firm as ‘Trusty’. Known for its sure-footed agility and sharp vision, the bighorn sheep’s ability to navigate challenging terrain with purpose and independence is an apt reflection of T. Rowe Price’s mission and positioning.

Designed to elevate awareness of the firm’s premier active investment management approach

SYDNEY, 8 July 2024 – T. Rowe Price, a leading global asset manager with A$2.32 trillion assets under management1, launched a new global branding program in Australia today to highlight its renowned capabilities as one of the world’s premier asset management firms.

The "The Power of Curiosity" campaign showcases how T. Rowe Price's investment professionals use active questioning to gain deeper market insights and enhance the firm's investment process. It underscores the independent thinking that characterises the firm's investment professionals, while demonstrating the client benefits of the firm’s investment process, which is grounded in over 85 years of active investing culture and experience.

This new positioning will begin to appear in national and financial services online, print and social media channels viewed by financial advisers and wealth managers, as well as institutional investor decisionmakers from today until December.

Darren Hall, Country Head of Australia and New Zealand at T. Rowe Price said investment markets were continuing to evolve at incredible speed. “The campaign highlights the dynamic perspectives and deep insights our investment professionals bring to their work every day on behalf of our clients.

“Whether it’s innovation in AI or healthcare, understanding the far-reaching implications for investors requires not just curious minds but the expertise and experience to ask the right questions. At T. Rowe Price, we’re constantly exploring ideas and questioning everything to find the answers which will help our clients achieve their long-term goals,” he said.

T. Rowe Price has also introduced a sleeker, more modern look for its longtime bighorn sheep symbol, affectionately known within the firm as ‘Trusty’. Known for its sure-footed agility and sharp vision, the bighorn sheep’s ability to navigate challenging terrain with purpose and independence is an apt reflection of T. Rowe Price’s mission and positioning.


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July 2023 / NEWS

T. Rowe Price Strengthens ESG Capabilities with Appointment of Caroline Ramscar as Investment Specialist for APAC Region