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March 2023 / NEWS

T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund awarded five bees by Lonsec

We’re pleased to announce the T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund has been awarded Lonsec’s highest Sustainability Score: five bees.

The five bees score indicates that the Fund is in the top 10% of all Lonsec-rated global equity funds, based on the Lonsec Sustainability model.

The model measures the overall ‘net goodness’ in a portfolio by combining the contribution of the Fund to the Sustainable Development Goals, netted against the Fund’s controversial activities measure into a single, peer ranked score.

The score is the latest validation for the T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund – I Class following last year’s Lonsec Innovation Award and ‘Recommended’ rating.

To learn more about how T. Rowe Price thinks about impact investing, please speak with your local Relationship Manager or visit our campaign page.

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July 2023 / NEWS

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