Investor Presentation Library Early Career (Ages 20-34)

Resources to help guide your clients through various life stages.

A young Black woman with a white man looking together at a readout

Building a strong financial foundation starts now. Focus on financial basics and setting and achieving financial goals to help your clients shape the future they imagine.

Please contact T. Rowe Price if you would like to receive the PowerPoint presentations for any of the below programs.

Achieving Financial Goals

Helps investors understand the steps needed to successfully accomplish key life milestones, including retirement, college savings, establishing an emergency fund, managing debt, and handling competing priorities.

Advice + Coaching = A Winning Partnership

Explores the powerful synergy of combining financial advice with a coaching approach, including how this combination can improve the outcomes and experiences for both advisors and investors.

Building Generational Wealth

Provides best practices of successful families, helping you more effectively communicate and educate the next generation on financial matters.

Financial Literacy Basics:

Provides foundational learnings on critical financial education topics. Presentation options include: (1) Budgeting Essentials, (2) Debt Management, and (3) Investing Basics

Finding and Funding Your "Why"

Inspires women investors to define their role in the financial planning process by understanding and communicating their "why" in life.

How Successful Families Approach Money

Explores family dynamics around finances, providing insights into why it can be difficult to connect. We also share three keys to less stress when communicating with family members about money.

Money Confident Kids®

The Money Confident Kids® program provides financial education tools to help kids think now about saving, spending, and investing for a lifetime of good money habits. This interactive workshop is intended for clients and the children in their lives (age middle to high school) to helps kids understand that every financial decision is associated with a time horizon. 

Speaking of Markets

Reinforces the relationship between financial professions and their clients, helping them coordinate effective investment strategies to weather the up and downs of unpredictable markets.


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