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A simple observation on a runway in Belgrade. And a T. Rowe Price analyst’s instinct to dig deeper. Learn how it can help our clients get ahead.
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T. Rowe Price equity and fixed income strategies delivered higher average annualised returns than their benchmarks over time. And they showed better results in the vast majority of rolling monthly periods over a 20-year span.
Put simply, our strategies delivered more return, more often. That's the T. Rowe Price difference.
Ten-year periods, rolling monthly, over the last 20 years ended 31/12/23.
Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.
Analysis by T. Rowe Price. Represents a comparison of all marketable institutional equity and fixed income composites compared to the official composite primary benchmark assigned to each. Excludes money market, asset allocation and index/passive composites. In order to avoid double-counting in the analysis, specialized composites viewed as substantially similar to strategies already included (e.g. constrained strategies, ex-single country excluded strategies, etc.) are also excluded. Composite net returns are calculated using the highest applicable separate account fee schedule for institutional clients. All figures in USD. The performance of each T. Rowe Price composite was compared against its official composite primary benchmark using 10-year rolling monthly periods from 1/1/04 to 31/12/23.