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Capital at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

The listed funds are not an exhaustive list of funds available. Visit to see the full range of funds offered by T. Rowe Price, including those that consider environmental and social characteristics as part of their investment process.  For up to date information regarding any T. Rowe Price fund's investment strategy, please see the relevant fund KID and prospectus. 

Global Multi-Asset

Our approach to global multi-asset investing applies more than 25 years' experience in strategic and tactical asset allocation and leverages the research and active management resources of the T. Rowe Price equity and fixed income groups.

An actively managed, diversified multi-asset portfolio of bonds, stocks, and other investments from issuers around the world, including emerging markets. The fund may also make investments in collective investment schemes that pursue absolute return strategies and seek to generate returns that are positive in all market conditions. The fund is categorised as Article 8 under Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
ISIN LU1614212279
Bloomberg TRPGAIU LX
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No data available
This actively managed fund’s broad multi-asset class opportunity set includes developed markets and emerging markets equities, a wide range of global developed markets and emerging markets bond strategies, and various diversifying strategies aiming to improve risk-adjusted returns. The fund is categorised as Article 8 under Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
ISIN LU1417861645
Bloomberg TRGUBID LX
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No data available
An actively managed, dual mandate portfolio which seeks to have a positive impact on the environment and society by investing primarily in sustainable investments, where the companies' current or future business activities are expected to generate a positive impact whilst at the same time seeking to increase the value of its shares through both growth in the value of, and income from, its investments. The fund is categorised as Article 9 under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
ISIN LU2643171858
Bloomberg TRGBIIU LX
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No data available
An actively managed, dynamic multi-asset fund that seeks to offer durable income and long-term capital appreciation, drawing on our global research platform for security selection, and employing a robust risk management process designed to reduce drawdowns. The fund is categorised as Article 8 under Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
ISIN LU2047632679
Bloomberg TRMGIIU LX
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No data available
To provide attractive long-term risk adjusted returns in all market conditions through investment in a diverse portfolio of non-traditional or alternative strategies.
ISIN LU2078759615
Bloomberg TSTRIUI LX
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No data available

In accordance with MiFID II regulations, performance data for this product will not be displayed until the fund has more than 12 complete months of data available.

SICAV III labelling represents the Select Investment Series III SICAV, a Luxembourg UCITS.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Source for performance: T. Rowe Price. Fund performance is calculated using the official NAV with dividends reinvested, if any. The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may get back less than the amount invested. It will be affected by changes in the exchange rate between the base currency of the fund and the subscription currency, if different. Sales charges (up to a maximum of 5% for the A Class), taxes and other locally applied costs have not been deducted and if applicable, they will reduce the performance figures.

Daily performance data is based on the latest available NAV.  

Hedged share classes (denoted by 'h') utilise investment techniques to mitigate currency risk between the underlying investment currency(ies) of the fund and the currency of the hedged share class.  The costs of doing so will be borne by the share class and there is no guarantee that such hedging will be effective.

The specific securities identified and described in this website do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended for the sub-fund and no assumptions should be made that the securities identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

A full list of the currently issued Share Classes including Distributing, Hedged, and Accumulating Categories may be obtained, free of charge and upon request, from the registered office of the Company.