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Capital at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

The listed funds are not an exhaustive list of funds available. Visit to see the full range of funds offered by T. Rowe Price, including those that consider environmental and social characteristics as part of their investment process.  For up to date information regarding any T. Rowe Price fund's investment strategy, please see the relevant fund KID and prospectus. 

Japanese Equity Fund
An actively managed, diversified all-cap portfolio offering exposure to typically 60-80 of our best growth ideas in Japan. The fund is categorised as Article 8 under Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
ISIN LU0230817925
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30-Jun-2024 - Hiroshi Watanabe, Portfolio Manager,
We remain constructive on Japanese equities. Signs of a sustainable return of inflation in Japan are encouraging and a huge boost for investor and business sentiment. As inflation continues to trend higher in Japan, wage hikes have started to come through, which should be very supportive for the consumer and domestic consumption.

Fund Summary
With close proximity to, and a deep understanding of, the companies in which they invest, our Tokyo-based investment team searches for companies with a focus on growth and improvement. We favour businesses with sustainable growth, a durable competitive advantage, robust fundamentals and a credible management team. The promotion of environmental and/or social characteristics is achieved through the fund's commitment to maintain at least 10% of the value of its portfolio invested in Sustainable Investments, as defined by the SFDR. Additionally, we apply a proprietary responsible screen (exclusion list). The manager is not constrained by the fund’s benchmark, which is used for performance comparison purposes only.
Performance - Net of Fees

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

30-Jun-2024 - Hiroshi Watanabe, Portfolio Manager,
Japanese equities edged higher in June. The automobile sector came under pressure in the wake of data falsification scandals at major automakers; however, sentiment improved amid a rally in US semiconductor stocks and continued weakness in the yen lent support to Japanese exporters. Within the portfolio, our choice of securities within commercial and wholesale trade was particularly beneficial. Here, shares of a wholesale trading company continued to rise after it reported an inline set of earnings last month. We like the company because it is less exposed to commodities than peers; and is seeing strong performance in its food and convenience store businesses. Our underweight exposure to electric power and gas added further value. In contrast, raw materials and chemicals and real estate detracted, largely due to our stock picks. In the former, our position in a fibre chemical company that produces and sells midstream resins and films was a major laggard. Investors appeared to take profits after its recent strong share price performance. We sold out of our position during the month.
31-Jan-2024 - Archibald Ciganer, Portfolio Manager,
Within the information technology and services sector, we believe that gaming could be a top performing segment in Japan this year. Many gaming stocks struggled in 2023, on weak demand post COVID and Chinese regulatory headwinds. However, these trends appear to be reversing, with demand normalising, a good line-up of games and, recently, China’s approval of a slew of games. The share price performance of some gaming stocks has already started to improve, yet they still appear attractively valued, in our view.

Indicative Benchmark Data Source: Tokyo Stock Exchange

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Source for performance: T. Rowe Price. Fund performance is calculated using the official NAV with dividends reinvested, if any. The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may get back less than the amount invested. It will be affected by changes in the exchange rate between the base currency of the fund and the subscription currency, if different. Sales charges (up to a maximum of 5% for the A Class), taxes and other locally applied costs have not been deducted and if applicable, they will reduce the performance figures.

Daily performance data is based on the latest available NAV.  

The Funds are sub-funds of the T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV, a Luxembourg investment company with variable capital which is registered with Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier and which qualifies as an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (“UCITS”). Full details of the objectives, investment policies and risks are located in the prospectus which is available with the key investor information documents and/or key information document (KID) in English and in an official language of the jurisdictions in which the Funds are registered for public sale, together with the articles of incorporation and the annual and semi-annual reports (together “Fund Documents”). Any decision to invest should be made on the basis of the Fund Documents which are available free of charge from the local representative, local information/paying agent or from authorised distributors. They can also be found along with a summary of investor rights in English at The Management Company reserves the right to terminate marketing arrangements.

Please note that the Fund typically has a risk of high volatility.

Hedged share classes (denoted by 'h') utilise investment techniques to mitigate currency risk between the underlying investment currency(ies) of the fund and the currency of the hedged share class.  The costs of doing so will be borne by the share class and there is no guarantee that such hedging will be effective.

The specific securities identified and described in this website do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended for the sub-fund and no assumptions should be made that the securities identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

Attribution Data: Analysis represents the total performance of the portfolio as calculated by the FactSet attribution model and is inclusive of other assets that that will not receive a classification assignment in the detailed structure shown. Returns will not match official T. Rowe Price performance because FactSet uses different exchange rate sources and does not capture intra-day trading. Performance for each security is obtained in the local currency and, if necessary, is converted to U.S. dollars using an exchange rate determined by an independent third party. Figures are shown with gross dividends reinvested.

Sources: Copyright © 2020 FactSet Research Systems Inc.  All rights reserved. FT Interactive, IDC; Analysis by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. T. Rowe Price uses the TOPIX sectors and industries for sector and industry reporting for this product.

A full list of the currently issued Share Classes including Distributing, Hedged, and Accumulating Categories may be obtained, free of charge and upon request, from the registered office of the Company.  


The Morningstar rating is sourced from Morningstar.

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Citywire Data Source: Citywire – where the fund manager is rated by Citywire, the rating is based on the manager’s 3-year risk adjusted performance. For further information on ratings methodology, please visit