Initially, George Marzano, equity trader, was drawn to T. Rowe Price because of its reputation as an asset management firm. As Marzano's life has expanded to include marriage and kids over the last 16 years, the firm has also grown into a global company. The firm has maintained its small-company vibe. “The great thing about T. Rowe Price is that people do not hesitate to stop what they're doing and help you regardless of how much extra work it might be for them," he says.
A few years after joining T. Rowe Price, a recruiter approached Marzano with a higher-paying job at another local financial institution. “Not knowing what to do, I informed my manager who then contacted his manager," he says. Since then, Marzano has remained ever grateful for their effort to retain him as an employee. “My unwavering loyalty to the company started that afternoon," he recalls.
His loyalty also stems from T. Rowe Price's emphasis on work-life balance. For Marzano, that means the ability for associates to play in basketball and softball leagues supported by the firm. “In addition to my main trading responsibilities, I was the commissioner of the T. Rowe Price basketball league for six years," he says. “I've also been the team captain for the Equity Department's softball team, and I help organize a softball event with our sell-side peers every year."
With years of experience as a good team player and leader both on and off the field, Marzano has some sage advice for those just starting their journey: “At every step along the way, all of us are going to report to somebody," he says. “The only thing that person you report to wants to hear is 'I got it. I know what needs to be done, and I'll take care of it.' Instill confidence in the people relying on you, back it up, and the sky is the limit!"
Marzano joined the firm at age 22, so he's grown up with T. Rowe Price. “Each of my life milestones has come with T. Rowe Price as my employer," he says. In fact, he says about two-thirds of his wardrobe is emblazoned with either T. Rowe Price's name or the logo. “In more ways than one, where you work defines you," Marzano says. “In this case, working for a company like T. Rowe Price is something I'm extremely proud of."