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Corporate Governance Policies

System of rules, practices, and processes by which the firm conducts business

Data Security and Risk Management

How we protect client information and manage risk.

Policy for Recoupment of Incentive Compensation

Authorizations for compensation recoupment following violation

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy

Read our policy on integrating ESG factors into investment decisions

Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) Policy

Read more about how we engage with companies to consider the PAI of investment decisions.

Exclusion Policy

Read more about how we implement ESG exclusions.

Investment Policy on Climate Change

Read more about our approach to integrating environmental, social, and governance factors, which are inclusive of climate-related risks and opportunities, into investment decisions

Investment Policy on Biodiversity

Read more about our approach to integrating environmental, social, and governance factors, which are inclusive of the assessment of biodiversity issues, into investment decisions.

Investment Policy on Human Rights

Read more about our approach to integrating environmental, social, and governance factors, which are inclusive of the assessment of human rights issues, into investment decisions.

Engagement Policy

Read more about how we engage with companies on ESG issues.

Proxy Voting Guidelines

Review details of firm’s position on all major proxy voting issues.

Proxy Voting Records

Access to proxy voting records for T. Rowe Price funds.

2024 Proxy Voting Summaries

Read a summary of our proxy voting record for the 12-month period ending June 30, 2024.

Environmental Policy

Commitment to laws and regulations concerning environmental issues

Human Rights Policy

Commitment to laws and regulations concerning human rights issues.

*T. Rowe Price Investment Management, Inc. (TRPIM) makes independent proxy voting decisions, as described in their proxy voting guidelines, from T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (TRPA) and its investment advisory affiliates.