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Account Types

Whether you’re saving for retirement, planning for your family’s future, or investing your extra cash, we can help you get started.

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Retirement Explore Retirement IRAs Roth IRA Traditional IRA Rollover 401(k) & Transfer IRA Small Business, Self-Employed & 403(b) Plans

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Retirement Guidance Saving for Retirement Approaching Retirement Living in Retirement Roth vs. Traditional IRA Rollover 401(k) Options

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General Investing Explore General Investing Individual Joint Trust Minor

College Savings

College Savings Explore College Savings T. Rowe Price College Savings Plan Maryland College Investment Plan Alaska 529


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Our wide selection of mutual funds and ETFs provides you with the building blocks for a diversified portfolio.

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Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Learn about ETFs View All ETFs ETF Dividend Distributions ETF Prospectuses & Reports


Our Advice solutions apply our decades of investing experience to help you meet your goals.

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Retirement Advisory ServiceTM

Retirement Advisory ServiceTM

Partnering with your advisor, set actionable strategies for your investments and retirement planning.

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The ActivePlus Portfolios® Program

The ActivePlus Portfolios® Program

Get a model portfolio recommendation based on your timeline and risk tolerance – in minutes.

Explore the ActivePlus Portfolios Program

Private Asset Management

Private Asset Management

Direct access to a dedicated portfolio manager who actively manages your assets of $5 million +.

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Investment planning resources for your many financial goals.

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Discover how our approach has set us apart for over 80 years, and has helped millions of people invest in things that matter most.

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Summit Program Exclusive Client Benefits

Learn about our complimentary client benefits program designed to help you invest more confidently.

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Inheritance and Account Management

Whether you are managing the estate of a T. Rowe Price client or have inherited a T. Rowe Price account, we're here to help.


Losing a loved one can be difficult. We can help with next steps. 

Determine the type of account your loved one had with T. Rowe Price. 

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

If you are inheriting an IRA (including brokerage IRAs), please download and complete the form below.

Common Form:

If you have inherited a T. Rowe Price retirement account that is part of a Small Business Retirement Plan (Sep IRA, SIMPLE IRA, 403(b), Individual 401(k), Money Purchase or Profit Sharing Plan) please call 1-800-492-7670.

General Investing (Taxable) Accounts

If you are inheriting a general investing (taxable) account please download and complete the proper change of ownership form. You may need to complete a new account form if opening an account.

Common Forms:

What else might you need in addition to the forms?

In addition to completing the required forms, you may also need to submit additional documentation. Some common documents include: 


The death certificate will always be required when an account owner or authorized person passes away.


This is a legal document issued by a court that names a person to act on behalf of an estate. This document must be presented to T. Rowe Price if an estate account is being established. Submit letters testamentary (or other appointment of the executor) from the probate court appointing executor of estate (certified by the court within 60 days).


Copy of Trust Documents

For most updates or changes to a trust, it is required that recently certified pages from the trust documents be included with the request.

*Original, certified copy, or raised seal is a document obtained from the issuing authority of the state or county where client resides. May contain a stamp reading “certified copy” signed/dated by issuing authority or contain an embossed seal on the document. Photocopies are not acceptable.

Some documents may require a medallion signature guarantee.

What is a Medallion Signature Guarantee?  

A Medallion signature guarantee is designed to protect you and the T. Rowe Price Funds from fraud by verifying your signature.

Where do you get a Medallion Signature Guarantee?

A Medallion signature guarantee must be obtained from a financial institution that is a participant in a Medallion signature guarantee program. You can obtain a Medallion signature guarantee from certain banks, savings institutions, broker-dealers, and other guarantors acceptable to T. Rowe Price. When obtaining a Medallion signature guarantee, please discuss with the guarantor the dollar amount of your proposed transaction. It is important that the level of coverage provided by the guarantor’s stamp covers the dollar amount of the transaction or it may be rejected. We cannot accept guarantees from notaries public or organizations that do not provide reimbursement in the case of fraud.
