About Us
Since 1937, we’ve had one simple goal: to help you achieve yours.
Discover what makes us different:

Why T. Rowe Price?
By remaining true to our guiding principles and strategic investing approach, we believe we can deliver the consistent, competitive performance you need to achieve your most important financial goals.

Strategic Investing
Since 1937, strategic investing has guided how we uncover opportunities for our clients. See how our investment professionals go beyond the numbers and into the field to get the full story for your investments.

Client Benefits
Explore the array of complimentary services and resources we offer to help you make informed investment decisions—and make the most of your money. As your assets with us increase, so will your benefits.
Benefit from our strength and experience.
founded by Thomas Rowe Price, Jr.
Alignment of Interests
We are a publicly owned company with substantial employee ownership.
in assets under management1
Financial Strength
We carry no outstanding long-term debt and maintain substantial cash reserves.
investment professionals worldwide2
Independent Investment Organization
As an independent company, we’re free to act in our clients’ best interests.
countries in which we have a local presence1
Stable Leadership Team
Our Management Committee averages 17 years with T. Rowe Price.1
associates worldwide1
Call 1-800-638-5660
1Figures shown are as of 12/31/2024 and are subject to change. Assets Under Management (AUM) includes assets managed by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and its investment advisory affiliates.
2Investment professionals as of 12/31/2024. Figures include T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and its investment advisory affiliates including T. Rowe Price Investment Management, Inc.