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By  T. Rowe Price

T. Rowe Price Global Impact Credit and Global Impact Equity funds secure SDR label

T. Rowe Price Gains SDR Sustainability Impact Label for Global Impact Funds

December 2024 -

The T. Rowe Price Funds OEIC Global Impact Credit and T. Rowe Price Funds OEIC Global Impact Equity have gained approval to use the Sustainability Impact label under the FCA’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) regime. We believe the Global Impact Credit Fund is one of the first fixed income funds to achieve the SDR Sustainability Impact label.

This reflects the dedication of the T. Rowe Price’s Impact Investment Team to invest in solutions to address critical global environmental and social challenges, alongside the generation of financial returns. 

Managed by Matt Lawton, the Global Impact Credit fund carries a dual mandate, targeting positive environmental and social impact alongside financial return. The fixed income market is an essential channel to direct capital towards activities and projects supporting environmental and social outcomes. The continued growth, diversification, and innovation occurring within the ESG-labelled bond market offers exciting opportunities to provide direct financing to projects that are aiming to deliver positive and measurable impact.  

The Global Impact Equity Fund is managed by Hari Balkrishna. Due to its dual mandate of impact and financial returns, the fund invests in listed companies offering an environmental or social positive impact with strong earnings and cash flow growth. Public equity markets are vital for driving change at scale.  Encouragingly, the opportunity to own businesses that offer solutions to environmental or social challenges is greater than ever before in equity markets, as companies increasingly shift investment to address these pressure points. 

Nataline Terry, Head of Distribution, UK and Ireland at T. Rowe Price, comments: “The Sustainability Impact label provides significant benefits for our clients by ensuring transparency and accountability, allowing investors to make informed decisions aligned with their values and sustainability goals.  

 “Ultimately, securing the Sustainability Impact label reinforces our commitment to impact investing and validates our funds’ approach to contribute to measurable and real-world outcomes. 

“We strongly believe impact is achieved within an investment portfolio not only by investing in companies that can make a difference to the environment or society, but also by engaging with companies in a number of impact related themes.” 

T. Rowe Price is to adopt the "Sustainability Impact" label for these funds early next year.

T. Rowe Price

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