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Investment involves risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

Asian ex-Japan Equity Fund
Seeks to increase the value of its shares, over the long term, through growth in the value of its investments.
ISIN LU0266341212
Bloomberg TRPAXJA LX
Product Highlight Sheet
31-Aug-2016 - Anh Lu, Portfolio Manager,
We maintain our focus on stock selection, identifying high-quality growth companies trading at reasonable valuations, and recent events have provided several opportunities to add to best-in-class companies at attractive prices.

Fund Summary
Actively managed and invests mainly in a diversified portfolio of shares of companies in Asia (excluding Japan).
Performance (Class A)

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance returns are calculated on a NAV-NAV basis, net of fees, with distributions reinvested. Returns for the current year performance is cumulative. Benchmark returns are shown with reinvestment of dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes. The Excess Returns are shown as Fund % minus the Benchmark %. Performance returns for share classes less than 1 year old (and associated benchmarks) are cumulative rather than annualised.

30-Nov-2023 - Anh Lu, Portfolio Manager,
We lowered our absolute position in consumer discretionary, although it continued to be one of our biggest sector allocations in November. We sold shares of a Chinese e-commerce company. While we view it as an attractively valued proxy for China’s economic recovery, we also see uncertainty arising from its ongoing restructuring efforts. Communication services was also a sizeable absolute allocation, and we increased our exposure here. We invested in an internet company, taking advantage of the stock’s decline. It is among the leading e-commerce players in Southeast Asia, and we expect its sales to accelerate on market share gains.


The following risks are materially relevant to the fund. Please click here to view the definitions of the risks listed below.

  • Country risk – China
  • Currency
  • Emerging markets
  • Equities
  • ESG
  • Geographic concentration
  • Investment fund
  • Issuer concentration
  • Management
  • Market
  • Operational
  • Small/mid cap
  • Stock Connect
  • Style

Typical Investor

Investors who plan to invest for the medium to long term, and who:

• are interested in investment growth
• are looking to diversify their equity investments, in particular existing investments in developed markets
• understand and can accept the risks of the fund, including the risks of investing in emerging markets

Disclosure on Vendor Indices can be found here.