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Strategic Investing
Numbers only tell half the story. Our strategic investing approach demands going further to get the full story.
As a leading global active asset manager, at T. Rowe Price we believe our clients’ portfolios are too important to be on autopilot. That is why our over 600 investment professionals conduct rigorous research to uncover opportunities for clients, going beyond the numbers by extracting forward-looking insights. Backed by the deep experience of our investment teams and the prudent risk management frameworks we apply, we call our investment approach strategic investing, and it’s aimed at delivering long-term success for clients’ portfolios.
Latest Articles

October 2022 / MARKETS & ECONOMY

The Storm in Financial Markets Is Not Over Yet

The Storm in Financial Markets Is Not Over Yet

The Storm in Financial Markets Is Not Over...

Inflationary pressures may be receding, however.

By Nikolaj Schmidt

Nikolaj Schmidt Chief International Economist

May 2022 / VIDEO

A Labor Demand and Supply Imbalance Challenges the Fed

A Labor Demand and Supply Imbalance Challenges the Fed

A Labor Demand and Supply Imbalance Challenges...

Labor demand has considerably outpaced supply, but the job market tightness can ease...

By Blerina Uruçi

Blerina Uruçi Chief U.S. Economist


Five Factors Why 2022 Bond Rout May Reverse

Five Factors Why 2022 Bond Rout May Reverse

Five Factors Why 2022 Bond Rout May Reverse

Global fixed income investors have not endured a rout like this since official data...

By Quentin Fitzsimmons

Quentin Fitzsimmons Portfolio Manager


No, We Are Not About to Return to 1970s-Style Inflation

No, We Are Not About to Return to 1970s-Style Inflation

No, We Are Not About to Return to 1970s-Style...

Today’s central banks are willing and able to tackle the problem

By Nikolaj Schmidt

Nikolaj Schmidt Chief International Economist


Economic Risks Are Rising

Economic Risks Are Rising

Economic Risks Are Rising

High inflation and economic weakness could stifle global economy.

By Tim Murray

Tim Murray Capital Markets Analyst

April 2022 / MARKETS & ECONOMY

Most Central Banks Have No Choice But to Remain Hawkish

Most Central Banks Have No Choice But to Remain Hawkish

Most Central Banks Have No Choice But to...

Few have the scope to loosen policy if economic conditions worsen

By Nikolaj Schmidt

Nikolaj Schmidt Chief International Economist

March 2022 / MARKETS & ECONOMY

The Fed Embarks on a Hiking Campaign to Counter Inflation

The Fed Embarks on a Hiking Campaign to Counter Inflation

The Fed Embarks on a Hiking Campaign to Counter...

High commodity prices, geopolitical risks complicate the Fed’s path

By Blerina Uruçi

Blerina Uruçi Chief U.S. Economist

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Insights Archive

Innovating in health sciences by investing in breakthrough therapies

Portfolio manager Ziad Bakri visits biotech labs in a quest for the best investing ideas - like a firm that engineers a patient’s own cells to fight cancer.

Our Analysis

See how our analysts go beyond the numbers to identify growth opportunities and mitigate risks, in an array of countries, sectors and specialisms.

Analyst Video of the Month

Shopping for potential in Latin America and discovering e-commerce companies positioned for growth.

Equity analyst Paulina Amieva talks to management, suppliers, and customers in Mexico City to get a true sense of companies actively solving friction points that impede growth.


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