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The Tipping Point 

The global economy appears on the brink of a major transition. Last year was characterized by rising inflation, rate hikes, heightened geopolitical risk, equity index concentration and bond market volatility. Cash became king with many investors deciding to sit on the ‘risk free’ sidelines.

Now, inflation is moderating and rate cuts are expected – although geopolitical risks seem to be even more significant. So, what does the rest of 2024 have in store for bond investors? Are we approaching a ‘tipping point’ at which risk appetite returns and the time for sitting on the sidelines is once again overtaken by the fear of missing out? And if so, where should investors be looking to reallocate their cash?

To learn more, join Arif Husain, Head of Global Fixed Income and Chief Investment Officer, and guests for our next Free Talk fixed income webinar.

Topics include:

  • What scenarios should investors plan for in 2024?
  • When is risk appetite likely to return?
  • What can replace cash in a risk-on environment?

Our Speakers

Ritu Vohora, CFA ® (Host)

Investment Specialist, Capital Markets, T. Rowe Price

Arif Husain, CFA ® 

Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO, T. Rowe Price

Kenneth A. Orchard

Head of International Fixed Income, T. Rowe Price

Samy Muaddi, CFA ® 

Head of Emerging Markets, T. Rowe Price

Tomasz Wieladek

Chief European Economist, T. Rowe Price

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