
  1. 本基金以主動方式管理及主要投資於前沿市場公司的股票的多元化投資組合。
  2. 投資於本基金涉及風險,包括一般投資風險、股票市場風險、與預託證券相關的風險、前沿市場風險、前沿國家股票市場大幅波動的相關風險、前沿國家股票市場監管/交易所規定的相關風險、地理集中風險、中小市值股票風險和貨幣風險,並可能導致您損失部分或全部投資金額。
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ISIN LU1079763535
2016年12月31日 - Oliver Bell, 基金經理,
While growth in frontier markets was relatively sluggish for much of 2016, indicators for future performance have improved significantly in recent months, renewing our positive outlook on these economies in both the near and longer term.



2016年12月31日 - Oliver Bell, 基金經理,
Frontier markets moved higher in December in U.S. dollar terms and outperformed both emerging and developed markets. Pakistan was way out in front, buoyed by an improving macroeconomic backdrop and pending promotion to the MSCI emerging markets universe. Morocco also had a strong December helped by better economic conditions and a more stable political environment than many of its peers. In terms of the portfolio, being overweight Pakistan added positively to relative returns while being underweight Morocco had an adverse effect. On the sector front, stock selection in consumer staples made a positive contribution to relative performance while stock selection in industrial and business services held relative returns back.
2016年12月31日 - Oliver Bell, 基金經理,
Following the recent good news from OPEC and the agreed upon oil production cuts, we continued to add exposure to the energy sector, moving from an underweight to an overweight position. In response to an upturn in economic indicators, we trimmed some positions in defensive areas such as utilities (we are now underweight) and industrials and business services (still overweight but less so) in favour of increased exposure to consumer spending, most notably discretionary spending.
2016年12月31日 - Oliver Bell, 基金經理,
We have moved further underweight Kuwait and Morocco, which are already our two biggest below-benchmark positions, as we are finding better investment opportunities elsewhere. Morocco is also becoming increasingly expensive in terms of valuations. We remain positive on Asia given the diversity of interesting and well-managed companies we are able to find there, so we remain overweight Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
