
  1. 本基金以主動方式管理及主要投資於亞洲(日本除外)公司股票的多元化投資組合。
  2. 投資於本基金涉及風險,包括一般投資風險、股票市場風險、剔除標準風險、與預託證券相關的風險、地理集中風險、中小市值股票風險、新興市場風險、新興國家股票市場大幅波動的相關風險、新興國家股票市場監管/交易所規定的相關風險和貨幣風險,並可能導致您損失部分或全部投資金額。
  3. 本基金可運用衍生工具作對沖及有效投資組合管理,因而涉及與衍生工具相關的風險。投資於衍生工具可能導致基金蒙受重大損失的風險。
  4. 本基金價值可以波動不定,並有可能大幅下跌。
  5. 投資者不應僅根據本網站而投資於本基金 。


ISIN LU0266341212
2017年01月31日 - Anh Lu, 基金經理,
The earnings cycle in Asia ex-Japan appears to be turning. Company management teams are working hard to expand revenues and margins, exhibiting greater discipline than in previous years, and we are incrementally optimistic about the outlook for the region, especially as valuations are still attractive relative to many global peers.



2017年01月31日 - Anh Lu, 基金經理,
Asia ex-Japan equity markets started 2017 on a positive note, thanks to improving economic data in select countries, as well as favourable fourth-quarter earnings and 2017 guidance. Cyclicals led the gains while defensive sectors, such as health care, consumer staples and utilities, underperformed. In China, better-than-expected economic growth in the fourth quarter, along with the gradual easing of the liquidity squeeze that gripped the market in December, helped drive gains. Against this backdrop, our stock choices in China and Taiwan boosted the portfolio’s relative returns. An underweight to Malaysia, a lagging market, was also beneficial. At a sector level, stock picks in financials, one of our biggest overweights, worked in the portfolio’s favour.
2017年01月31日 - Anh Lu, 基金經理,
We added to our overweight in consumer discretionary stocks, buying more shares in a Chinese fast-food company that spun off from its U.S. parent in October. It operates in an industry of high return and cash generation. A new position was established in a travel agency operator that has a monopoly in China as a duty-free franchise holder. We deemed this an attractive long-term holding as there is a high entry barrier in the duty-free industry in China. We moved further underweight in the real estate sector after selling our holdings in one of Hong Kong’s largest developers, taking advantage of its share price rebound in January.
2017年01月31日 - Anh Lu, 基金經理,
Greater China markets took center stage in January as we narrowed our underweight to China and Taiwan while lessening our overweight in Hong Kong. The additions in China included more shares in the e-commerce giant Alibaba. Its latest results showed better-than-expected monetization on core e-commerce, propping up our favorable view towards the stock. Elsewhere, we closed our position in a property developer amid challenges in the Hong Kong property market.