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More voters than ever before in history – roughly half the world’s population – are expected to head to the polls in 2024 for important elections in over 60 countries. In addition, interest rates in many countries have reached their highest levels in over a decade. What happens at the polls and where rates head next will have a major bearing on the outlook for investment portfolios.

Our team of experts will share their views as this critical year progresses. Subscribe via the link below to get the latest updates.


UK election result - Three key economic policy areas to watch

UK election result - Three key economic policy areas to watch

UK election result - Three key economic policy...

Labour Party win paves the way for policy changes with potential macroeconomic implication...

By Quentin Fitzsimmons

Quentin Fitzsimmons Portfolio Manager


Policy matters: US election could impact renewables and electric vehicl...

Policy matters: US election could impact renewables and electric vehicles

Policy matters: US election could impact...

The outcome of the presidential election could have important implications for US...

By Gilad Fortgang

Gilad Fortgang Associate Analyst


Assessing the potential impacts on US health care in an election year

Assessing the potential impacts on US health care in an election year

Assessing the potential impacts on US health...

A number of key US health care issues will continue to be a primary focus for the...

By Jill Jortner

Jill Jortner Investment Analyst


How do US elections affect stock market performance?

How do US elections affect stock market performance?

How do US elections affect stock market performanc...

It’s the economy that matters for US presidential elections and stocks

By Thomas Poullaouec & Nathan Wang

By Thomas Poullaouec & Nathan Wang

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