Brokerage Disclosures
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc., the ultimate parent company of T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc. (Price), maintains Business Continuity Plans (Plans). The Plans will be updated as necessary and reviewed annually.
The Plans address how Price will handle disruptive events (Events) of varying scope (e.g., an internal business disruption, an external business disruption, an Event during business hours, and an Event during nonbusiness hours). The Plans include backup facilities for critical data and systems, as well as for critical employees. The Plans are designed to continue business operations if an Event should occur. Price has two call centers located in various areas of the country, which allow for continuation of communication with our customers if a site is affected. Price offers two methods for accepting trades: online account access and speaking to a registered representative. If any one method fails, the Plans provide adequate coverage to meet the demands of Price customers to submit trade orders and inquire about other account service issues. Additionally, Price maintains daily off-site backup for critical systems and data.
If Price experiences a significant business interruption, Price customers may contact Pershing at 201-413-3635 for recorded instructions about the processing of limited trade-related transactions, cash disbursements, and security transfers.
At times, certain market segments can experience extremely high volume and high volatility. We urge you to exercise additional care should you decide to trade securities experiencing these unusual pressures. For instance, a characteristic of fast-moving market segments is that executions and subsequent confirmations can be delayed. Please consider using techniques such as using limit orders to help manage the heightened risk inherent in these markets. And while it is always important to keep your long-term investment goals and your risk tolerance in mind, it is particularly relevant during times of unusual market stress.
When personal investors enter an order through an online trading system, they generally are sending the order to their broker. In these cases, the online trading system is not a direct link to the exchanges or market makers. During time periods with unusually high volumes, there may be delays in order execution.
Qualified investors who want to explore more aggressive opportunities can take advantage of margin and options trading. Margin and options trading involves additional risks and are not suitable for all investors.
Pursuant to SEC Rule 606, T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc. (Price) makes available for each calendar quarter a report of the routing of certain orders in securities covered under the rule. Because Price transmits all of its customer orders to Pershing, LLC, member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC, a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, as clearing broker, and Pershing in fact makes the routing decisions concerning those orders, we believe that Pershing is in the best position to prepare a quarterly report that reflects Pershing's routing practices of orders.
To request either the most recent quarterly report or an account-level report on trades placed in the last six months, please specify your desired report and send your request to:
T. Rowe Price Brokerage Services, Attn.: Customer Service, P.O. Box 17435, Baltimore, MD 21297-1435
To access a report of our Order Routing Practices, type "T.Rowe Price" (with no space between "T." and "Rowe") in the text box that appears after clicking on the following link.
There has been a lot of information published recently regarding mutual fund trading and related disclosure requirements. The following brief tutorial and accompanying links to educational materials are provided to clarify common load fund issues.
T. Rowe Price funds are all no-load funds—which means you will not pay a load (or fee) to purchase shares. While load funds are not available online, you may purchase an array of load funds directly through a Brokerage representative. Load funds typically charge a load (or fee) either at time of purchase or when shares are redeemed, depending on fund class.
A number of mutual fund share classes, from hundreds of fund families, are available through T. Rowe Price Brokerage, with both front- and back-end load options. For details, contact a registered Brokerage representative.
Visit Investor Alerts, hosted by FINRA, via the following links.
- Understanding Mutual Fund Classes
For helpful information on mutual fund classes. - Mutual Fund Breakpoints: A Break Worth Taking
For a detailed discussion about mutual fund breakpoints. - Class B Mutual Fund Shares: Do They Make the Grade?
For information regarding Class B mutual fund shares. - FINRA Homepage
Visit the FINRA homepage for more educational material.
Breakpoint Discounts and Other Disclosures Relating to Mutual Fund Fees and Revenue Sharing
Before investing in mutual funds, it is important that you understand the sales charges, expenses, and management fees that you will be charged as well as the breakpoint discounts to which you may be entitled. Understanding these charges and breakpoint discounts will assist you in identifying the best investment for your particular needs and may help you reduce the cost of your investment. This disclosure document will give you general background information about these charges and discounts; however, sales charges, expenses, management fees, and breakpoint discounts vary from mutual fund to mutual fund. Therefore, you should discuss these matters with a T. Rowe Price ("Price") representative and review each mutual fund's prospectus and statement of additional information (which are available from Price) to obtain the specific information regarding the charges and breakpoint discounts associated with a particular mutual fund.
Sales Charges
Investors who purchase mutual funds must make certain choices, including which funds to purchase and which share class is most advantageous in light of their specific investing needs. Each mutual fund has a specified investment strategy. You need to consider whether the mutual fund's investment strategy is compatible with your investment objectives. Additionally, many mutual funds offer different share classes. Although each share class represents a similar interest in the mutual fund's portfolio, the mutual fund will charge you different fees and expenses depending upon your choice of share class. As a general rule, Class A shares carry a "front end" sales charge or "load" that is deducted from your investment at the time you buy the fund shares. This sales charge is a percentage of your total purchase. As explained below, many mutual funds offer volume discounts to the front-end sales charge assessed on Class A shares at certain predetermined levels of investment, which are called "breakpoint discounts." In contrast, Class B and C shares usually do not carry any front-end sales charges. Instead, investors who purchase Class B or C shares pay asset-based sales charges, which may be higher or lower that the charges associated with Class A shares. Investors that purchase Class B or C shares may also be required to pay a sales charge known as a contingent deferred sales charge when they sell their shares, depending upon the rules of the particular fund.
Breakpoint Discounts
Most mutual funds offer investors a variety of ways to qualify for breakpoint discounts on the sales charge associated with the purchase of Class A shares. In general, most mutual funds provide breakpoint discounts to investors who make large purchases at one time. The extent of the discount depends upon the size of the purchase. Generally, as the amount of the purchase increases, the percentage used to determine the sales load decreases. In fact, the entire sales charge may be waived for investors that make very large purchases of Class A shares. Mutual fund prospectuses contain tables that illustrate the available breakpoint discounts and the investment levels at which breakpoint discounts apply. Additionally, most mutual funds allow investors to qualify for breakpoint discounts based upon current holdings from prior purchases through Rights of Accumulation and from future purchases upon Letters of Intent. Mutual funds have different rules regarding the availability of Rights of Accumulation and Letters of Intent. Therefore, you should discuss these matters with Price and review the mutual fund's prospectus and statement of additional information to determine the specific terms upon which a mutual fund offers Rights of Accumulation and Letters of Intent.
Rights of Accumulation
Many mutual funds allow investors to count the value of previous purchases of the same fund, or another fund within the same fund family, with the value of the current purchase to qualify for breakpoint discounts. Moreover, mutual funds may allow investors to count existing holdings in multiple accounts, such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or accounts at other financial organizations to qualify for breakpoint discounts. Therefore, if you have accounts at other financial organizations and wish to take advantage of the balances in these accounts to qualify for a breakpoint discount, you must advise Price about those balances. You may need to provide documentation establishing the holdings in those other accounts to Price if you wish to rely upon balances in accounts at another firm. In addition, many mutual funds allow investors to count the value of holdings in accounts of certain related parties, such as spouses or children, to qualify for breakpoint discounts. Each mutual fund has different rules that govern when relatives may rely upon each other's holdings to qualify for breakpoint discounts. You should consult with Price or review the mutual fund's prospectus or statement of additional information to determine what these rules are for the fund family in which you are investing. If you wish to rely upon the holdings of related parties to qualify for a breakpoint discount, you should advise Price about these accounts. You may need to provide documentation to Price if you wish to rely upon balances in accounts at another firm. Mutual funds also follow different rules to determine the value of existing holdings. Some funds use the current net asset value (NAV) of existing investments in determining whether an investor qualifies for a breakpoint discount. However, a small number of funds use the historical cost, which is the cost of the initial purchase, to determine eligibility for breakpoint discounts. If the mutual fund uses historical costs, you may need to provide account records, such as confirmation statements or monthly statements, to qualify for a breakpoint discount based upon previous purchases. You should consult with Price and review the mutual fund's prospectus and statement of additional information to determine whether the mutual fund uses either NAV or historical costs to determine breakpoint eligibility.
Letters of Intent
Most mutual funds allow investors to qualify for breakpoint discounts by signing a Letter of Intent, which commits the investor to purchasing a specified amount of Class A shares within a defined period of time, usually 13 months. For instance, if an investor plans to purchase $50,000 worth of Class A shares over a period of 13 months, but each individual purchase would not qualify for a breakpoint discount, the investor could sign a Letter of Intent at the time of the first purchase and receive the breakpoint discount associated with the $50,000 investment on the first and all subsequent purchases. Additionally, some funds offer retroactive Letters of Intent that allow investors to rely upon purchases in the recent past to qualify for a breakpoint discount. However, if an investor fails to invest the amount required by the Letter of Intent, the fund is entitled to retroactively deduct the correct sales charges based upon the amount that the investor actually invested. If you intend to make several purchases within a 13-month period, you should consult Price and the mutual fund prospectus to determine if it would be beneficial for you to sign a Letter of Intent. As you can see, understanding the availability of breakpoint discounts is important because it may allow you to purchase Class A shares at a lower price. The availability of breakpoint discounts may save you money and may also affect your decision regarding the appropriate share class in which to invest. Therefore, you should discuss the availability of breakpoint discounts with Price and carefully review the mutual fund prospectus and its statement of additional information, which you can get from Price, when choosing among the share classes offered by a mutual fund.
Mutual Fund Fees and Revenue Sharing
Pershing may receive certain operational servicing fees from funds in lieu of clearance charges assessed to your financial organization. These payments from mutual funds may be shared with Price and may be a significant source of revenue for Price. In addition, Pershing may receive fees from funds for compensation for certain recordkeeping and other administrative tasks Pershing performs in connection with your account. Should you have any questions in this regard, please contact Price.
The T. Rowe Price Brokerage Dividend Reinvestment Service is made available to your account through Pershing LLC (Pershing), a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. Pershing is carrying your account as a clearing broker by arrangement with T. Rowe Price Brokerage. If you elect to participate, T. Rowe Price Brokerage will automatically reinvest your cash dividends (and certain other cash distributions) paid on eligible securities in your account in additional nonpublicly traded shares of the same securities. You may request automatic dividend reinvestment for all eligible securities in your account, or you may select individual stocks for dividend reinvestment. Pershing will act on your behalf on instruction from your T. Rowe Price Brokerage registered representative. This service is provided to customers free of charge.*
Provision of Dividend Reinvestment Services
Your enrollment in our Dividend Reinvestment Service becomes effective on the first business day after you elect to enroll and we receive your account application. When your enrollment becomes effective, you agree to be bound by these Dividend Reinvestment Service Terms and Conditions as well as any other Account Agreements that you have with T. Rowe Price Brokerage.
You may choose the Dividend Reinvestment Service for all eligible securities in your account, or you may select individual securities for automatic dividend reinvestment by calling T. Rowe Price Brokerage. If you request automatic dividend reinvestment for all eligible securities in your account, this standing instruction will apply to all present and future eligible securities. If, however, your original instructions were to reinvest dividends on specific eligible securities, and you purchase or deposit a new stock(s) into your account, you must give new instructions to enroll the stock(s) in Dividend Reinvestment or dividends will not be reinvested. Any stock(s) not specified for Dividend Reinvestment will not be enrolled in the service. To add or remove the service with respect to securities in your account, you must notify a registered representative at least five business days prior to the day on which dividends or other eligible cash distributions are payable for those securities. Dividends are reinvested on all securities you have selected that you own on the record date for determining shareholders eligible to receive dividends, as long as you still own any whole shares of such securities on the dividend payable date. Dividend reinvestment does not assure profits on your investments and does not protect against loss in declining markets.Eligible Securities
Most securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or traded on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (Nasdaq) are eligible for the Dividend Reinvestment Service. Non-listed foreign securities, American Depositary Receipts, nonpublicly traded limited partnerships, preferred issues, and short positions are not eligible. However, Pershing reserves the right to make certain currently noneligible securities eligible in the future without prior notification.Eligible Cash Distribution for Reinvestment
Most cash distributions on eligible securities (eligible cash distributions) selected for participation in our Dividend Reinvestment Service may be reinvested, including ordinary dividends and capital gain distributions. Cash-in-lieu payments and certain special dividend payments, however, cannot automatically be reinvested. You may not combine eligible cash distributions with any funds you deposit into your account to make automatic reinvestment purchases.Dividend Reinvestment Transactions in Eligible Securities
If the record date for the dividend is at least five business days prior to the dividend pay date, on the payable date, your account will be credited the amount of the cash distribution. This amount will then be debited from your account and the appropriate number of full and fractional shares will be credited to your account. However, if the record date for the dividend is less than four business days prior to the dividend pay date, Pershing will attempt to purchase the reinvestment shares on the first trading day after the record date. On the settlement date, your account will be credited the amount of the cash distribution, debited the amount equal to the cost of the whole and fractional shares purchased, and subsequently allocated the appropriate number of reinvested shares. If shares cannot be purchased after three attempts, you will receive a cash distribution. You will not receive a confirmation for these transactions. You will be able to review all of the information about each transaction that would normally appear on your confirmation, along with your current reinvestment instructions, on your Brokerage statement. You may also contact us on the payable date (or any date thereafter) for current information regarding the transactions.
The shares are purchased through open market purchases prior to the payable date. Pershing will calculate the number of shares to be purchased for the selected security by determining the cash distribution to be received by each individual requesting reinvestment. Pershing will then combine your cash dividend with other individuals requesting reinvestment in the same underlying security and purchase the amount of whole and fractional shares required to satisfy each individual. If the transaction cannot be completed in one trade, you will receive the average weighted price paid by Pershing. When you sell your entire position, you will receive the same price on your fractional portion as you did for your whole share portion. For transfers, only the whole share portion will be moved, and you will receive the previous business day’s closing price for the fraction. Pershing may purchase the securities from Pershing LLC. Pershing may, without prior notification, choose to make a security eligible or ineligible.Partial Shares
Automatic reinvestment of your eligible cash distributions may give you an interest in partial shares, which we will calculate to four decimal places. You will be entitled to receive dividend payments proportionate to your partial share holdings. If an account is transferred, if a stock undergoes a reorganization, or stock certificates are ordered out of an account, partial share positions, which cannot be transferred, reorganized, or issued in certificate form, will be liquidated at prevailing market prices. No commission will be charged for these transactions. Timing is subject to our discretion. You will also be entitled to receive proxy voting materials and voting rights proportionate to your partial shares. In mandatory corporate reorganizations, your partial shares will be handled according to the terms of the particular reorganization. In voluntary reorganizations, your instructions will be applied only to your whole shares. In the event of a rights offering to holders of an eligible security, we will cause the rights accruing to all partial shares of that security to be sold.Confirmation and Statements
All transactions made through the Dividend Reinvestment Service will be confirmed on your regular account statement. Pershing acts as an agent in all dividend reinvestment transactions. You may obtain immediate information by calling a registered representative of T. Rowe Price Brokerage.
*Pershing and T. Rowe Price Brokerage may, in the future, charge a transaction fee for Dividend Reinvestment Services.
The following disclosure pertains to estimated annual income (EAI) and estimated current yield (ECY) figures displayed on Brokerage account statements.
The EAI and ECY figures are estimates and for informational purposes only. These figures are not considered to be a forecast or guarantee of future results. These figures are computed using information from providers believed to be reliable; however, no assurance can be made as to their accuracy. Because interest and dividend rates are subject to change at any time and may be affected by current and future economic, political, and business conditions, they should not be relied on for making investment, trading, or tax decisions. These figures assume that the position quantities, interest and dividend rates, and prices remain constant. A capital gain or return of principal may be included in the figures for certain securities, thereby overstating them.
The EAI figure for U.S. government, corporate, and municipal securities is computed by multiplying the coupon rate by the quantity of the security and then dividing that figure by 100. The resulting figure is reflected on the brokerage account statement in the EAI field. The EAI for equity, mutual fund, unit investment trust, and exchange-traded fund securities is computed using either a historical methodology (HM) or a projected methodology (PM), depending on the information provided by the issuer. The PM annualizes the latest regular cash dividend. The HM accumulates the regular cash dividends over the past 12 months. If there is less than one year of dividend history, the accumulated dividends are annualized. The HM or PM figure, whichever is calculated, is then multiplied by the quantity of the security, and the resulting figure is reflected on the Brokerage account statement in the EAI field. The EAI for preferred securities is computed by using the PM.
The following are important caveats to the HM and PM figures:
The figure is denominated in the same currency as the dividend announcement.
The figure does not contemplate special or extra dividends.
When a security pays its first dividend with no specificity as to dividend frequency, the initial dividend will be the reported figure.
If a security announces a stock split and does not announce a new dividend rate, the figure will be adjusted on the ex-distribution/dividend date.
For a called security, the figure will remain unchanged until the payment date, at which point it will revert to zero.
The figure for Canadian securities is calculated the same way as for U.S. securities.
The figure for mutual funds only includes dividends that are treated as income.
The figure will be zero under the following scenarios: a security that has only paid capital gains during the preceding year; a security that has only had stock splits, stock (not cash) dividends, or reverse stock splits during the preceding year; a security other than an open-end mutual fund (excluding a money market fund), ADR preferred, or exchange-traded fund that rescinds or omits a dividend payment; and a security from an issuer that is in arrears and uncertain about its ability to make a dividend payment.
The ECY figure is computed by dividing the EAI figure by the current market price of the security, which may be higher or lower than the purchase price, and then the figure is multiplied by 100. The resulting figure is reflected on the Brokerage account statement in the ECY field. With specific regard to a fixed-income security, the initial purchase confirmation often reflects yield-to-maturity, yield-to-call, and/or yield-to-worst figures which are more relevant figures from the point of purchase.
There are a number of informative websites hosted by regulatory agencies or educational concerns, which offer a wide range of subject matter relevant to investors who routinely access their accounts and place transactions via online brokerage systems. T. Rowe Price Brokerage encourages customers to leverage the following resources for reference and educational material.
As the largest nongovernmental regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States, the primary role of FINRA is to enforce equitable rules of securities trading, standardize industry practices, and provide a representative body to consult with the government and investors on matters of common interest. FINRA was created in July 2007 through the consolidation of NASD and the member regulation, enforcement, and arbitration functions of the New York Stock Exchange.
The SEC regulates U.S. financial markets, and administers statues designed to promote full public disclosure and protect the investing public against malpractice in the securities markets.
T. Rowe Price is a member of SIPC, which protects assets of securities customers of its member firms up to $500,000 (including $250,000 claims for cash). For an explanatory brochure and additional useful information, click the link below.
The AMEX processes the third highest volume of trading in the U.S. The AMEX also houses the trading of options on many NYSE traded stocks and recently merged with the Nasdaq.
The NYSE is the oldest and largest stock exchange in the U.S., located at 11 Wall Street in New York City.
Nasdaq is the computerized system that provides broker-dealers with price quotations for OTC securities, as well as for many NYSE-listed securities.
Provides information about fixed income markets.
Provides information regarding rules and requirements for options transactions, including specific discussions related to the impact of corporate actions.
Funded by the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), the IORC is a noncommercial organization dedicated solely to serving the individual consumer who invests online or is considering doing so.
North American Administrators Association—Investing Online Resource Center
T. Rowe Price and Pershing are members of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation® (SIPC®). As a result, investor-owned assets held in custody by Pershing are protected by SIPC up to $500,000 (of which $250,000 can be claims for cash awaiting reinvestment). For details, please go to Please note that SIPC does not protect against any loss due to market fluctuation. In addition to SIPC protection, Pershing provides coverage in excess of SIPC limits from Lloyd's, in conjunction with other insurers. The excess of SIPC coverage provides the following protection for assets held in custody by Pershing and its London-based affiliate, Pershing Securities Limited:
An aggregate loss limit of $1 billion for eligible securities—over all client accounts.
A per-client loss limit of $1.9 million for cash awaiting reinvestment—within the aggregate loss limit of $1 billion.
The excess of SIPC coverage does not protect against loss due to market fluctuation. For more information about Lloyd's of London, please see
Pershing's excess of SIPC coverage is provided by Lloyd's in conjunction with XL Group Ltd., Axis Capital, Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) SE, and Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company.
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Brokerage accounts are offered by T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Brokerage accounts are carried by Pershing LLC, a BNY Mellon company, member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC.
All investments are subject to market risk, including the possible loss of principal; they are subject to management fees and expenses.