Please note: The T. Rowe Price investment products mentioned herein are not registered for sale in all jurisdictions from T. Rowe Price. This is not intended to be an offer or solicitation for any of these products.
Investment Objective
To maximise the value of its shares through both growth in the value of, and income from, its investments. The fund invests mainly in a diversified portfolio of high yield corporate bonds from issuers around the world, including emerging markets.Investment Approach
- Integrates fundamental research and holistic capital structure considerations with a focus on global diversification targeting high yield companies from North American and European regions plus issuers located in emerging markets countries.
- Represents the natural evolution of T. Rowe Price’s core high yield credit competency and recognizes the global growth of the high yield market that is expected to continue.
- Invests primarily in global issuers rated below investment-grade and focuses on:~~Proprietary fundamental analysis drives independent credit and conviction ratings.^^~~Credits with long-term potential for balance sheet and external rating improvements.^^~~Strict risk management practices.^^
- Utilizes active management in the high yield market where credit selection is critical.
- Environmental, social and governance ("ESG") factors with particular focus on those considered most likely to have a material impact on the performance of the holdings or potential holdings in the funds’ portfolio are assessed. These ESG factors, which are incorporated into the investment process alongside financials, valuation, macro-economics and other factors, are components of the investment decision. Consequently, ESG factors are not the sole driver of an investment decision but are instead one of several important inputs considered during investment analysis.
Portfolio Construction
- High-conviction, concentrated approach targeting approximately 175 issuers across the globe with the flexibility to take the meaningful over-and underweights to countries, regions, industries, ratings and individual credits.
- Incorporates a truly global corporate composition using a top-down overlay based on relative and absolute valuation characteristics across regions, countries, credit qualities and industries to complement core bottom-up position selections targeting the following regional allocations:
- U.S. high yield: range of 30%-70%
- European high yield: range of 10% to 50%
- Emerging markets: range of 0% to 40%
- Neutralize currency risk by hedging back into the base currency
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.