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Investment involves risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

Global Value Equity Fund
Seeks to increase the value of its shares, over the long term, through growth in the value of its investments.
ISIN LU0859254822
Bloomberg TRPGVEA LX
Product Highlight Sheet
No data available
31-Aug-2016 - Sebastien Mallet, Portfolio Manager, Global Value Equity Fund,
Despite renewed bouts of volatility, we see enough pockets of improvement to retain a modestly positive outlook for global equities. Our focus remains on selecting companies with strong free cash flow generation, which are not yet fully appreciated by the market and with the ability to increase shareholder returns.

Fund Summary
Actively managed and invests mainly in a widely diversified portfolio of undervalued shares of companies (i.e. shares of companies which the Investment Manager considers are inexpensive relative to the market, peers, and the shares’ own history) anywhere in the world, including emerging markets.
No data available
Performance (Class A)

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance returns are calculated on a NAV-NAV basis, net of fees, with distributions reinvested. Returns for the current year performance is cumulative. Benchmark returns are shown with reinvestment of dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes. The Excess Returns are shown as Fund % minus the Benchmark %. Performance returns for share classes less than 1 year old (and associated benchmarks) are cumulative rather than annualised.

Current Year Performance

Annualised Performance

30-Nov-2023 - Sebastien Mallet, Portfolio Manager,
We adopted a balanced profile in the portfolio over the last year or so by adding to more defensive parts of the value universe. The remainder of the portfolio is devoted to more cyclical and deep value companies. This approach is most appropriate given the ongoing material economic uncertainties, in our view. With this in mind, we have relative overweight positions in financials as well as the traditionally more defensive health care and utilities sectors. In contrast, we remain underweight in information technology and consumer discretionary.


No data available


No data available


The following risks are materially relevant to the fund. Please click here to view the definitions of the risks listed below.

  • Currency
  • Equities
  • ESG
  • Geographic concentration
  • Investment fund
  • Management
  • Market
  • Operational
  • Small/mid cap
  • Style


Typical Investor

Investors who plan to invest for the medium to long term, and who:

• are interested in investment growth
• are looking to diversify their equity investments
• understand and can accept the risks of the fund, including the risks of investing in equities globally

Disclosure on Vendor Indices can be found here.