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Investment involves risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

Dynamic Global Bond Fund
Seeks to generate income while offering some protection against rising interest rates and a low correlation with equity markets.
ISIN LU1216622131
Bloomberg TRGUNBA LX
Product Highlight Sheet
31-Aug-2019 - Arif Husain, Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO,
Increasing recession risk concerns have pushed global rates to new low levels. In effect, market participants are trying to force the hand of central banks that have so far expressed a reluctance to relaunch full quantitative easing programmes, and instead are questioning their potential benefits. Against this backdrop, we see potential in the short term for core bond yields to rise if central banks fail to deliver on the markets’ high expectations.

Fund Summary
Seeks to invest across the full global fixed-income universe and seek to identify the best risk/reward opportunities across sovereign, credit and currency markets.
Performance (Class A)

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance returns are calculated on a NAV-NAV basis, net of fees, with distributions reinvested. Returns for the current year performance is cumulative. Benchmark returns are shown with reinvestment of dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes. The Excess Returns are shown as Fund % minus the Benchmark %. Performance returns for share classes less than 1 year old (and associated benchmarks) are cumulative rather than annualised.

30-Nov-2023 - Quentin Fitzsimmons, Co-Portfolio Manager,
In credit markets, we reduced our defensive approach in the portfolio as we see a small window of opportunity for risk markets before the end of this year. However, over the medium-term we see increased signs of weakness in the global economy negatively impacting financing conditions for corporates and households.


The following risks are materially relevant to the fund. Please click here to view the definitions of the risks listed below.

  • Contingent convertible bond
  • Counterparty
  • Credit
  • Currency
  • Default
  • Derivatives
  • Distressed or defaulted debt securities
  • Emerging markets
  • ESG
  • Geographic concentrations
  • Hedging
  • High yield bond
  • Interest rate
  • Investment fund
  • Issuer concentration
  • Liquidity
  • Management
  • Market
  • Operational
  • Prepayment and extension
  • Sector concentration
  • Total return swap

Typical Investor

Investors who plan to invest for the medium to long term, and who:

  • are interested in a combination of income and investment growth
  • understand and can accept the risks of the fund, including the risks of investing in global bond markets and in derivatives

Disclosure on Vendor Indices can be found here.