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Risk Considerations

  1. The Fund is actively managed and invests mainly in a widely diversified portfolio of shares of natural resources or commodities-related companies. The companies may be anywhere in the world, including emerging markets.
  2. Investment in the Fund involves risks, including general investment risk, equity market risk, risks associated with depositary receipts, risk of investing in the natural resources sector, sector concentration risk and currency risk which may result in loss of a part or the entire amount of your investment. 
  3. The Fund may use derivatives for hedging and efficient portfolio management and is subject to derivatives risk. Exposure to derivatives may lead to a risk of significant loss by the Fund.
  4. The value of the Fund can be volatile and could go down substantially.
  5. Investors should not invest in the Fund solely based on this website.


Investment involves risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

Global Natural Resources Equity Fund
Seeks to increase the value of its shares, over the long term, through growth in the value of its investments.
ISIN LU0272423673
Bloomberg TRPGNRA LX
Key Fact Statement
No data available
30-Nov-2023 - Shinwoo Kim, Portfolio Manager,
We have seen incremental evidence that we are in the ending stages of the productivity wave in oil and natural gas and approaching a more structurally positive environment for commodities. Although the geopolitical climate and macroeconomic backdrop exacerbate near-term uncertainty, we remain focused on where we believe we have an investment edge: understanding long-term commodity cycles.

Fund Summary
Actively managed and invests mainly in a widely diversified portfolio of shares of natural resources or commodities-related companies. The companies may be anywhere in the world, including emerging markets.
No data available
Performance (Class A)

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Current Year Performance

Annualised Performance

30-Nov-2023 - Shinwoo Kim, Portfolio Manager,
After spending a decade underweight energy, the portfolio now has a modestly overweight allocation versus the peer benchmark. We added to high-quality and high-conviction names in energy and metals while trimming more defensive exposures like specialty chemicals, utilities and paper and forest products. This product is designed to provide support in periods of high and rising inflation, especially from commodities, and we remain committed to our process and focused on our investment edge as we transition towards a new commodity cycle.
31-Jul-2015 - Shawn T. Driscoll, Portfolio Manager,
From a country perspective, our allocation to Norway saw the largest percentage increase during the month of July. There were no notable reductions for the period.


No data available


No data available

Disclosure on Vendor Indices can be found here.