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Die aufgeführten Fonds sind keine vollständige Liste der verfügbaren Fonds. Besuchen Sie, um die gesamte Palette der von T. Rowe Price angebotenen Fonds zu sehen, einschließlich derer, die ökologische und soziale Merkmale als Teil ihres Anlageprozesses berücksichtigen.  Aktuelle Informationen über die Anlagestrategie der einzelnen T. Rowe Price-Fonds finden Sie in den jeweiligen KID und Prospekten der Fonds.


Global Structured Research Equity Fund
Ein aktiv verwaltetes, analystenorientiertes Portfolio mit 750 bis 1.000 Aktien, das die Einschätzungen des Teams in Bezug auf die attraktivsten risikobereinigten Chancen am globalen Aktienmarkt, einschließlich der Schwellenländer, abbildet. Der Fonds ist darauf ausgelegt, unsere Fähigkeiten zur Titelauswahl zu isolieren, indem er beständig für ein ähnliches Engagement in Risikofaktoren und für ähnliche Portfoliomerkmale wie im MSCI All Country World Net Index sorgt. Der Fonds ist als Artikel-8-Fonds gemäß der EU-Verordnung über nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Offenlegungspflichten im Finanzdienstleistungssektor (SFDR für „Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation“) eingestuft.
ISIN LU2377458257
Weitere Informationen zu Risiken anzeigen
30-Nov.-2020 - Scott Berg, Portfoliomanager,
Given increasing market volatility, we are maintaining a broadly balanced portfolio with sector exposures relatively neutral to our core benchmark. We still own a mix of businesses that we believe are structural winners, durable growers, and higher yielding companies that held up well during the March sell-off but have levelled off since. While we are more cautious in the near-term, we like what we own and remain more constructive over the medium term.

Bei der Verwaltung des Fonds werden die Erkenntnisse aus Fundamentalanalysen mit einem stark strukturierten Prozess zur Portfoliokonstruktion kombiniert. Die beteiligten weltweit ansässigen Analysten treffen Entscheidungen zu Käufen und Verkäufen für ihren jeweiligen Teil des Portfolios. Diese unterliegen jedoch der Aufsicht und dem Ermessen der Portfoliomanager. Das Ziel des Fonds ist die Erzielung von Wertzuwächsen anhand der aktienspezifischen Erkenntnisse unserer Analysten. Unser Ansatz für die Portfoliokonstruktion minimiert das Stil-, Länder-, Sektor- und Branchenrisiko im Vergleich zur Benchmark. Die Förderung ökologischer und/oder sozialer Merkmale wird durch die Selbstverpflichtung des Fonds erreicht, mindestens 10% des Portfoliowertes in nachhaltigen Anlagen im Sinne der Verordnung über die Offenlegung nachhaltiger Finanzen (SFDR) zu halten. Darüber hinaus wenden wir interne Filter für die Auswahl an (Ausschlussliste). Der Fondsmanager ist aufgrund der Verwendung des Vergleichsindexes bei der Portfoliokonstruktion an diese gebunden - weitere Informationen finden Sie im Verkaufsprospekt. Der Vergleichsindex kann auch für Performancevergleiche herangezogen werden.
Performance - nach Abzug von Gebühren
31-März-2021 - Scott Berg, Portfoliomanager,
Global equities generated solid returns in March amid accelerating vaccine rollouts, generally strong economic data, and continued accommodative monetary policy and fiscal stimulus. Within the portfolio, our holdings in the information technology sector had the most negative impact on relative performance. Shares of Brazilian payment processing company StoneCo fell amid the ongoing political and health crisis in Brazil as most of the country was in lockdown by March. We continue to believe that StoneCo, which is attacking a huge market ripe for disruption, is in a good position to gain share. With a strong management team and solid execution, the company operates a highly service-oriented model and is introducing cutting-edge technology into Brazil’s payments market. On the positive side, industrials and business services boosted relative results. Shares of global parcel and freight delivery service FedEx spiked following a strong earnings report, beating analyst expectations despite a negative impact from winter storms. Revenue growth and margin improvement in ground delivery services were highlights of the report. We think FedEx offers a compelling cyclical opportunity due to a number of positive growth drivers that should coalesce over the near term.
28-Feb.-2021 - Scott Berg, Portfoliomanager,
Real estate has been challenged as the pandemic has reduced demand, but we think the sector stands to benefit as the health crisis wanes and demand accelerates. In addition, in a lower growth world, we think this is an area that offers solid yield backed by tangible, quality assets. Within the sector, we own a diverse mix of high-quality companies of both residential and commercial assets in the U.S., Philippines, China, and London.

Benchmark Data Source: MSCI. MSCI index returns are shown with reinvestment of dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes. MSCI and its affiliates and third party sources and providers (collectively, “MSCI”) makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used as a basis for other indices or any securities or financial products. This report is not approved, reviewed, or produced by MSCI. Historical MSCI data and analysis should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance analysis, forecast or prediction. None of the MSCI data is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Source for performance: T. Rowe Price. Fund performance is calculated using the official NAV with dividends reinvested, if any. The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may get back less than the amount invested. It will be affected by changes in the exchange rate between the base currency of the fund and the subscription currency, if different. Sales charges (up to a maximum of 5% for the A Class), taxes and other locally applied costs have not been deducted and if applicable, they will reduce the performance figures.

Daily performance data is based on the latest available NAV.  

The Funds are sub-funds of the T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV, a Luxembourg investment company with variable capital which is registered with Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier and which qualifies as an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (“UCITS”). Full details of the objectives, investment policies and risks are located in the prospectus which is available with the key investor information documents and/or key information document (KID) in English and in an official language of the jurisdictions in which the Funds are registered for public sale, together with the articles of incorporation and the annual and semi-annual reports (together “Fund Documents”). Any decision to invest should be made on the basis of the Fund Documents which are available free of charge from the local representative, local information/paying agent or from authorised distributors. They can also be found along with a summary of investor rights in English at The Management Company reserves the right to terminate marketing arrangements.

Please note that the Fund typically has a risk of high volatility.

Hedged share classes (denoted by 'h') utilise investment techniques to mitigate currency risk between the underlying investment currency(ies) of the fund and the currency of the hedged share class.  The costs of doing so will be borne by the share class and there is no guarantee that such hedging will be effective.

The specific securities identified and described in this website do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended for the sub-fund and no assumptions should be made that the securities identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

A full list of the currently issued Share Classes including Distributing, Hedged, and Accumulating Categories may be obtained, free of charge and upon request, from the registered office of the Company.