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Global Equity
Our approach to global equity investing is a truly global one. With one of the most extensive and experienced buy-side global research platforms in the industry, our investment teams aim to seek out quality companies from the broadest possible opportunity set.

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Class S PDS
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• Climate and resources;
• Social equity and quality of life; and
• Sustainable innovation and productivity.
Class S PDS
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Quarterly strategy highlights View More...

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Global Fixed Income
The global fixed income universe has expanded rapidly in recent years. At T. Rowe Price, our global research platform, with dedicated teams of sovereign, credit and currency expertise located across the US, Europe and Asia, is ideally positioned to capture this growth and the market opportunities it offers.

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Class S PDS
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Class S PDS
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Historical data may not be a reliable indication of the future profile of the fund. The risk profile shown is not guaranteed to remain unchanged and may shift over time. The lowest category does not mean a risk-free investment.
The Average Coupon, Maturity, Duration & Credit Quality measures are all calculated on a snapshot basis as of the stated month end, and consist of the weighted average details of the underlying securities of the fund.