T. Rowe Price global offices

In offices throughout the world, T. Rowe Price associates offer a full range of investment management and related services to both individual and institutional investors.

Baltimore Inner Harbor Sunset

T. Rowe Price global headquarters
Baltimore, Maryland

100 East Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
United States

phone outline 1-410-345-2000

phone outline 1-800-225-5132

Underscoring T. Rowe Price's independent tradition, our firm has been based in Baltimore, Maryland since its founding in 1937. Located on Baltimore's famous Inner Harbor, our downtown office is the center of the firm's global corporate and investment activities.

This location does not offer a walk-in center for individual investors. Please direct all inquiries, requests, or transactions to the Owings Mills, Maryland location identified on this page.

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Colorado Springs, Colorado

2220 Briargate Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
United States

phone outline 1-719-278-5600

phone outline 1-800-225-5132

Opened in 2000, our Colorado Springs operations center serves the investment and service needs of shareholders and clients located in the western United States.

This location does not offer a walk-in center for individual investors. Please direct all inquiries, requests, or transactions to the Owings Mills, Maryland location identified on this page.

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Modern office buildings in the financial district

New York, New York

233 Park Avenue, South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
United States

phone outline 1-855-593-9675

One of our newest locations, the New York Technology Development Center opened in 2017 and supports top-tier digital talent for information technology and innovation.

This location does not offer a walk-in center or services for individual investors. Please direct all inquiries, requests, or transactions to the Owings Mills, Maryland location identified on this page.

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Oak Hill Advisors

Oak Hill Advisors, L.P.

One Vanderbilt
16th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States

phone outline 1-212-326-1500

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Owings Mills, Maryland

Owings Mills, Maryland

4515 Painters Mill Road
Owings Mills, MD 21117
United States

phone outline 1-800-225-5132

Opened in 1996, our Owings Mills location provides a vast array of services and support for our investment and corporate activities, as well as our business units.

The 72-acre suburban campus offers social activities, health and fitness facilities, and a collegial atmosphere. This location does not offer a walk-in center for individual investors.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1735 Market Street, Suite 3020
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States

phone outline 1-267-238-2700

We established our Philadelphia office in 2017.

This location does not offer a walk-in center or services for individual investors. Please direct all inquiries, requests, or transactions to the Owings Mills, Maryland location identified on this page.

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San Francisco, California

San Francisco, California

333 Bush Street, Suite 2550
San Francisco, CA 94104
United States

phone outline 1-415-772-9950

Our San Francisco office opened in 1995 and serves as a base for the firm's sales and marketing, client service, and consultant relations efforts in the western United States.

This location does not offer a walk-in center or services for individual investors. Please direct all inquiries, requests, or transactions to the Owings Mills, Maryland location identified on this page.

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Toronto Skyline, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Suite 4240
77 King Street West
TD North Tower
P.O. Box 87
Toronto, ON M5K 1G8

phone outline +1-437-532-8240

Our Toronto office opened in 2007 to provide institutional sales and services to Canadian institutional clients.

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United States Capitol Building, Washington, DC

Washington, DC

200 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States

phone outline 1-410-345-2000

Our Washington DC office opened in 2021 and serves as a research hub for investment professionals

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Amsterdam Canals West side at dusk Natherlands

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Strawinskylaan 1433
WTC Tower Eight Level 14
1077 XX

phone outline +31(0) 20 333 6200

We established an Amsterdam office in 2004 to provide sales and related services to institutional investors and financial intermediaries in the Benelux countries and France.

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Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark

Gl. Kongevej 60
1850 Frederiksberg C

phone outline +45 33 360 500

Opened in 2000, our Copenhagen office provides sales and client services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and high net worth investors.

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Dubai, United Emirates

Dubai, United Emirates

Dubai International Financial Centre
PO Box 482023
The Gate, Level 15, Office 24
Dubai, UAE

phone outline +971 4 4019266

In 2010, we established an office in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) to meet growing demand from clients based in the Middle East.

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Euro symbol in frankfurt

Frankfurt, Germany

Neue Rothofstrasse 19
60313 Frankfurt

phone outline +49 69 24437 1900

Opened in 2014, our Frankfurt office was established to meet the needs of institutional investors and financial intermediaries in western Europe.

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Aerial view of the Paternoster Column in London, United Kingdom

London, United Kingdom

Warwick Court,
5 Paternoster Square,
United Kingdom

phone outline +44 20 7651 8200

Opened in 2023, the London office is the hub of our European activities, providing portfolio management, research, trading, sales, marketing, and client and consultant relations services.

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Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

35, Boulevard Prince Henri
3rd Floor
L-1724 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

phone outline +352 27 47 251

Our Luxembourg office opened in 2005 and serves as the product management center for the T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV, which are distributed to institutional investors and financial intermediaries outside the U.S.

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Madrid city skyline gran via street twilight , Spain

Madrid, Spain

Torre Europa
Paseo da la Castellana 95-14
Madrid, Spain

phone outline +34 91 789 3730

Opened in 2014, our Madrid office was established to meet the needs of institutional investors and financial intermediaries in Iberia.

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Milan, Italy - Sep 29, 2017: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, Italy is the oldest shopping mall of Milan. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II was named after Victor Emmanuel II, first king of Italy.

Milan, Italy

Via San Prospero 1
5th Floor
20121 Milan

phone outline + 39 (0)23 0300 200

After conducting business in Milan for over five years, we opened a dedicated office in 2014 to continue building our presence in the advisory market.

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Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

Kungsgatan 8
SE-11143 Stockholm

phone outline +46 8 1215 8300

Opened in 2004, our Stockholm office offers a high-disciplined, risk-controlled investment approach to a client base that stretches across Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.

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view on Fraumunster Church and Church of St. Peter at night, Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Talstrasse 65
6th Floor
8001 Zurich

phone outline +41 44 227 15 50

Our Zurich office, established in 2008, provides sales and client services to institutional investors and financial intermediaries.

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Panorama view of Hong Kong skyline view from the peak

Hong Kong SAR, China

6/F, Chater House
8 Connaught Road Central,
Hong Kong

phone outline +852 2536 7800

Opened in 1987, the Hong Kong office is an important center for our portfolio management, research, and securities trading activities in Asia.

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Melbourne Docklands

Melbourne, Australia

Level 30, Collins Place
35 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000

phone outline +61 (02) 8667 5700

In 2014, we expanded our expertise and presence in Australia with the opening of our Melbourne office.

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Shanghai, China

Shanghai, China

Unit 881, Level 8, International
Finance Center Tower 2, No. 8
Century Avenue, Pudong
District, Shanghai 200120,

phone outline +86 21 5060 1846

In 2021, we expanded our presence in China with the opening of the Shanghai wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) office to provide research activities for the region.

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Singapore, Republic of Singapore

Singapore, Republic of Singapore

501 Orchard Road
#10-02 Wheelock Place
Singapore 238880
Republic of Singapore

phone outline +65 6836 0098

Since 1996, our Singapore office has been an important center for our global portfolio management and research activities.

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Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia

Level 28
Governor Phillip Tower
1 Farrer Place
Sydney NSW 2000

phone outline +61 02 8667 5700

Our Sydney office opened in 2004, offering sales, client services, and consultant relations to institutions and financial intermediaries throughout Australia and New Zealand.

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Tokyo, Japan

GranTokyo South Tower 10F
9-2, Marunouchi 1-chome,

phone outline +81 3 6758 3800

Our Tokyo office was established in 1982 to house portfolio management and research and now houses sales as well as client service activities for the Pacific region.

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